In this exercise, you will develop a Python class called "Table". The class should include a constructor to initialize the width and height of the table. It should al...
In this exercise, you will develop a Python program with the following classes: House: Create a class called "House" with an attribute for "area". Include a construc...
In this exercise, you will develop a Python project called "Tables2," extending the "Tables" project. In this project, define a class called "CoffeeTable" that inheri...
In this exercise, you will develop a Python class called "Encryptor" for text encryption and decryption. This exercise is perfect for practicing class definiti...
In this exercise, you will develop a Python program to represent complex numbers, which consist of a real part and an imaginary part. This exercise is perfect ...
In this exercise, you will develop a Python project based on the tables and coffee tables example, but now introduce a new class named "Leg". This exercise is ...
In this exercise, you will develop a Python class diagram for a catalog utility that stores details about music files, movies, and computer programs. This exercise...
In this exercise, you will develop a Python project with a class RandomNumber that includes three static methods. This exercise is perfect for practicing class...
In this exercise, you will develop and program a Python class "TextToHTML" that can convert multiple texts entered by the user into a sequence of HTML lines. This ...
In this exercise, you will develop a Python class called "DisplayText" that allows you to show text at specific coordinates on the screen. This exercise is per...
In this exercise, you will develop a Python program to enhance the "ComplexNumber" class by overloading the addition (+) and subtraction (-) operators. This exerci...
In this exercise, you will develop a Python class "Point3D" that will represent a point in three-dimensional space with coordinates X, Y, and Z. This exercise ...
In this exercise, you will develop a Python program to enhance the Catalog application, where the "Main" function displays a menu that allows users to input new data ...