Memory Management Techniques - Python Programming Exercises

Welcome to Memory Management Techniques! In this lesson, you will learn how to efficiently manage memory in Python. Memory management is a critical aspect of programming, especially for handling large datasets and optimizing program performance. You will explore various memory management techniques, including garbage collection, memory allocation, and deallocation, to ensure that your Python programs run smoothly and efficiently. Throughout this lesson, you will discover how to use Python’s built-in tools, such as the gc module and memory profiling tools, to analyze and optimize memory usage. By mastering memory management in Python, you will be able to build scalable applications that handle large amounts of data without compromising system performance or stability.

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    In this exercise, you will develop a Python program to implement a queue using a list. This exercise is perfect for practicing data structures, list manipulati...

  •  Building a Stack Using Lists

    In this exercise, you will develop a Python program to implement a stack using a list. This exercise is perfect for practicing data structures, list manipulati...

  •  Working with Queue Collections

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  •  Queue and Stack for Reverse Polish Notation

    In this exercise, you will develop a Python program to evaluate expressions written in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) using a queue and stack. This exercise is ...

  •  Working with ArrayList

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  •  ArrayList Copying a Text File

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  •  Calculating an Unlimited Sum

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  •  ArrayList - Reading a Text File

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  •  Hash Table - Implementing a Dictionary

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  •  Parenthesis Matching

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  •  Merging and Sorting Files

    In this exercise, you will develop a Python program that merges the contents of multiple text files into a single file and sorts the content alphabetically or numeric...

  •  ArrayList: Storing Points

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  •  File Search Operations

    In this exercise, you will develop a Python program that searches for a specific word or phrase within a text file. This exercise is perfect for practicing fil...

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