House - Python Programming Exercise

In this exercise, you will develop a Python program with the following classes: House: Create a class called "House" with an attribute for "area". Include a constructor to set the area and a method "ShowData" that will print a statement like "I am a house, my area is 200 m2" (replacing 200 with the actual area). Implement getter and setter methods for the area. Door: A house has a door with a "color" attribute (a string). The door will have a method "ShowData" that displays something like "I am a door, my color is brown" (using the actual color). Provide getter and setter methods for the door’s color.


Mastering Python Classes in OOP




Develop a Python program with the following classes:

- House: Create a class called "House" with an attribute for "area". Include a constructor to set the area and a method "ShowData" that will print a statement like "I am a house, my area is 200 m2" (replacing 200 with the actual area). Implement getter and setter methods for the area.

- Door: A house has a door with a "color" attribute (a string). The door will have a method "ShowData" that displays something like "I am a door, my color is brown" (using the actual color). Provide getter and setter methods for the door’s color. Additionally, create a method "GetDoor" in the House class to retrieve the door.

- SmallApartment: This is a subclass of House, which will have a predefined area of 50 m2.

- Person: Create a "Person" class that contains a "name" attribute (string) and has a house. The "ShowData" method of a person will print their name, followed by the details of their house and the door.

- Main Function: Write a "Main" function to instantiate a "SmallApartment" and a "Person" who lives in it. The main function should then display the person’s data, including their house and door information.

 Example Python Exercise

 Copy Python Code
# Class for Door
class Door:
    def __init__(self, color):
        self._color = color  # Color attribute of the door

    # Getter method for color
    def get_color(self):
        return self._color

    # Setter method for color
    def set_color(self, color):
        self._color = color

    # Method to display door information
    def show_data(self):
        print(f"I am a door, my color is {self._color}")

# Class for House
class House:
    def __init__(self, area):
        self._area = area  # Area of the house
        self.door = Door("brown")  # Default door color
        # You can customize the door color if needed using setter

    # Getter method for area
    def get_area(self):
        return self._area

    # Setter method for area
    def set_area(self, area):
        self._area = area

    # Method to display house information
    def show_data(self):
        print(f"I am a house, my area is {self._area} m2")

    # Method to get the door
    def get_door(self):
        return self.door

# SmallApartment class (subclass of House)
class SmallApartment(House):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(50)  # Default area for SmallApartment is 50 m2

# Class for Person
class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, house):
        self._name = name  # Name of the person = house  # The house that the person owns

    # Method to display person's data including house and door information
    def show_data(self):
        print(f"My name is {self._name}.")  # Show house data  # Show door data

# Main function to test the classes
def main():
    # Create a SmallApartment object
    apartment = SmallApartment()

    # Create a Person object who lives in the SmallApartment
    person = Person("John", apartment)

    # Display the person's data, including house and door info

# Call the main function to run the program
if __name__ == "__main__":


My name is John.
I am a house, my area is 50 m2
I am a door, my color is brown

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