Classes: Learner and Instructor - Python Programming Exercise

In this exercise, you will develop a Python program that incorporates a Person class. Then, create two additional classes, Student and Teacher, that inherit from Person. This exercise is perfect for practicing class definition, inheritance, and method implementation in Python. By implementing these classes, you will gain hands-on experience in handling class definitions, inheritance, and method implementation in Python. This exercise not only reinforces your understanding of object-oriented programming but also helps you develop efficient coding practices for managing user interactions.


OOP Object-Oriented Programming


Classes: Learner And Instructor


Develop a Python program that incorporates a Person class.

Then, create two additional classes, Student and Teacher, that inherit from Person.

The Student class should include a public method GoToClasses which will print "I’m going to class."

The Teacher class should have a public method Explain that prints "Explanation begins". Additionally, it will have a private attribute subject (a string).

The Person class will feature a SetAge method, which allows setting their age (e.g., "20 years old").

The Student class will also have a public method ShowAge which will print "My age is: 20 years old" (or whatever age is set).

Finally, create a separate test class, StudentAndTeacherTest, that will contain the Main method and perform the following:

Create a Person and make it greet (say hello).
Create a Student, set their age to 21, have them greet and display their age.
Create a Teacher, set their age to 30, have them greet and then explain their subject.

 Example Python Exercise

 Copy Python Code
# Base class Person
class Person:
    def __init__(self, name):
        # Initialize the person's name = name

    def Greet(self):
        # Greet method to say hello
        print(f"Hello, my name is {}.")

    def SetAge(self, age):
        # Set the age method
        self.age = age

# Derived class Student that inherits from Person
class Student(Person):
    def __init__(self, name):
        # Initialize the student with a name

    def GoToClasses(self):
        # Method to print when the student goes to class
        print("I’m going to class.")

    def ShowAge(self):
        # Method to show the student's age
        print(f"My age is: {self.age} years old.")

# Derived class Teacher that inherits from Person
class Teacher(Person):
    def __init__(self, name, subject):
        # Initialize the teacher with a name and subject
        self.__subject = subject  # Private attribute for subject

    def Explain(self):
        # Method to explain the subject
        print(f"Explanation begins for {self.__subject}.")

    def SetSubject(self, subject):
        # Method to set the subject for the teacher
        self.__subject = subject

# Test class to demonstrate the functionality
class StudentAndTeacherTest:
    def Main():
        # Create a Person object and greet
        person = Person("John")

        # Create a Student object, set age, greet, and show age
        student = Student("Alice")

        # Create a Teacher object, set age, greet, and explain subject
        teacher = Teacher("Mr. Smith", "Mathematics")

# Run the test class


Hello, my name is John.
Hello, my name is Alice.
My age is: 21 years old.
Hello, my name is Mr. Smith.
Explanation begins for Mathematics.

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