Even Number Array - Python Programming Exercise

This Python program prompts the user to enter 10 integer numbers and displays only the even numbers from the list. It utilizes a for loop to iterate through the numbers and a conditional statement (if) to check if each number is even. If the number is even, it is printed to the screen; otherwise, it is skipped. The program is an excellent exercise for practicing basic loops and conditional logic in Python. It helps learners understand how to process user input, perform arithmetic checks (like checking if a number is even), and control the flow of a program based on certain conditions. This task reinforces the concept of modulus operations, as checking for even numbers typically involves using the modulus operator (%). By asking the user for input and filtering the even numbers, this program also encourages good practices in terms of handling user input and data validation. It provides a practical example of how to interact with users and process numerical data in a structured way.


Arrays, Lists, and Strings


Even Number Array


Develop a Python program to prompt the user for 10 integer numbers and display the even ones.

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# Program developed by: Programmer 1, Programmer 2

# Initialize an empty list to store the integers
numbers = []

# Prompt the user for 10 integer numbers
for i in range(10):
    number = int(input(f"Enter integer number {i+1}: "))

# Display the even numbers
print("The even numbers are:")
for number in numbers:
    if number % 2 == 0:


Enter integer number 1: 4
Enter integer number 2: 7
Enter integer number 3: 10
Enter integer number 4: 11
Enter integer number 5: 14
Enter integer number 6: 18
Enter integer number 7: 21
Enter integer number 8: 24
Enter integer number 9: 25
Enter integer number 10: 30
The even numbers are:

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