Matrix Array - Python Programming Exercise

This Python programming exercise is ideal for practicing the handling of multidimensional arrays. In this case, the goal is to prompt the user for the marks of 20 students, organized into two groups of 10, using a two-dimensional array. The task involves entering the grades of each student and then calculating the average for each group. This type of exercise is essential for improving skills in list manipulation and understanding data structures in Python, which are crucial for developing more complex applications and for data analysis in real-world environments. By developing this program, programmers will also learn to perform mathematical operations on two-dimensional arrays, a key concept in programming.


Arrays, Lists, and Strings


Matrix Array


Develop a Python program to prompt the user for marks for 20 students (2 groups of 10, using a two-dimensional array), and display the average for each group.

 Example Python Exercise

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# Program developed by: Programmer 1, Programmer 2

# Initialize a 2D list to store marks for 2 groups of 10 students each
marks = []

# Loop through each group (2 groups)
for group in range(2):
    group_marks = []  # Temporary list to store marks for the current group
    print(f"Enter marks for Group {group + 1} (10 students):")
    # Loop through each student in the group
    for student in range(10):
        while True:
                mark = float(input(f"Enter mark for student {student + 1}: "))
                if mark < 0 or mark > 100:
                    print("Please enter a valid mark between 0 and 100.")
                    group_marks.append(mark)  # Add the mark to the group's list
            except ValueError:
                print("Please enter a valid number for the mark.")  # Handle invalid input
    marks.append(group_marks)  # Add the group's marks to the main list

# Calculate and display the average for each group
for group_index in range(2):
    group_average = sum(marks[group_index]) / len(marks[group_index])
    print(f"The average mark for Group {group_index + 1} is: {group_average:.2f}")


Enter marks for Group 1 (10 students):
Enter mark for student 1: 85
Enter mark for student 2: 90
Enter mark for student 3: 78
Enter mark for student 4: 88
Enter mark for student 5: 92
Enter mark for student 6: 79
Enter mark for student 7: 84
Enter mark for student 8: 77
Enter mark for student 9: 90
Enter mark for student 10: 89
Enter marks for Group 2 (10 students):
Enter mark for student 1: 68
Enter mark for student 2: 75
Enter mark for student 3: 80
Enter mark for student 4: 82
Enter mark for student 5: 70
Enter mark for student 6: 76
Enter mark for student 7: 79
Enter mark for student 8: 72
Enter mark for student 9: 84
Enter mark for student 10: 67
The average mark for Group 1 is: 84.20
The average mark for Group 2 is: 75.30

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