Advanced Statistics - Python Programming Exercise

This Python statistical program is a fantastic exercise for improving data handling and user interaction in programming. The program allows users to add new data, view all the data entered, search for a specific item, and display a comprehensive summary of statistics, including the amount of data, sum, average, maximum, and minimum values. The exercise also introduces the concept of menus in Python, where each option is selected by a specific number or letter, enhancing the user interface experience. This is essential for building user-friendly applications. Moreover, the program reserves space for a maximum of 1000 data points, while also keeping track of how many entries have been made. This demonstrates the importance of managing memory and data limits effectively in Python. It provides a practical example of how to store and process large datasets while ensuring that the program remains efficient and responsive. By working through this exercise, users will gain valuable experience in handling dynamic data and creating interactive menu-based applications in Python.


Arrays, Lists, and Strings


Advanced Statistics


Develop a Python statistical program which will allow the user to:

- Add new data
- See all data entered
- Find an item, to see whether it has been entered or not
- View a summary of statistics: amount of data, sum, average, maximum, minimum
- Exit the program

These options must appear as a menu. Each option will be chosen by a number or a letter.

The program must reserve space for a maximum of 1000 data, but keep count of how many data actually exist.

 Example Python Exercise

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# Program developed by: Programmer 1, Programmer 2

# Initialize list to store data, with a maximum size of 1000
data = []
max_data_size = 1000

# Main program loop
while True:
    print("1. Add new data")
    print("2. See all data entered")
    print("3. Find an item")
    print("4. View summary of statistics")
    print("5. Exit")
    choice = input("Choose an option (1-5): ").strip().lower()

    if choice == "1" or choice == "a":
        if len(data) < max_data_size:
                new_data = float(input("Enter a number to add to the data: "))
                print("Data added successfully!")
            except ValueError:
                print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.")
            print("Maximum data limit reached. Cannot add more data.")
    elif choice == "2" or choice == "b":
        if data:
            print("Data entered so far:")
            for item in data:
            print("No data entered yet.")
    elif choice == "3" or choice == "c":
            item_to_find = float(input("Enter the number to find: "))
            if item_to_find in data:
                print(f"Item {item_to_find} found in the data.")
                print(f"Item {item_to_find} not found in the data.")
        except ValueError:
            print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.")
    elif choice == "4" or choice == "d":
        if data:
            total_data = len(data)
            data_sum = sum(data)
            average = data_sum / total_data
            maximum = max(data)
            minimum = min(data)
            print(f"Data Summary:")
            print(f"Amount of data: {total_data}")
            print(f"Sum of data: {data_sum}")
            print(f"Average: {average:.2f}")
            print(f"Maximum: {maximum}")
            print(f"Minimum: {minimum}")
            print("No data entered yet. Cannot display statistics.")
    elif choice == "5" or choice == "e":
        print("Exiting the program.")
        print("Invalid choice, please select a valid option.")


1. Add new data
2. See all data entered
3. Find an item
4. View summary of statistics
5. Exit
Choose an option (1-5): 1
Enter a number to add to the data: 25
Data added successfully!

1. Add new data
2. See all data entered
3. Find an item
4. View summary of statistics
5. Exit
Choose an option (1-5): 1
Enter a number to add to the data: 30
Data added successfully!

1. Add new data
2. See all data entered
3. Find an item
4. View summary of statistics
5. Exit
Choose an option (1-5): 2
Data entered so far:

1. Add new data
2. See all data entered
3. Find an item
4. View summary of statistics
5. Exit
Choose an option (1-5): 3
Enter the number to find: 25
Item 25.0 found in the data.

1. Add new data
2. See all data entered
3. Find an item
4. View summary of statistics
5. Exit
Choose an option (1-5): 4
Data Summary:
Amount of data: 2
Sum of data: 55.0
Average: 27.50
Maximum: 30.0
Minimum: 25.0

1. Add new data
2. See all data entered
3. Find an item
4. View summary of statistics
5. Exit
Choose an option (1-5): 5
Exiting the program.

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