Queue and Stack for Reverse Polish Notation - Python Programming Exercise

In this exercise, you will develop a Python program to evaluate expressions written in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) using a queue and stack. This exercise is perfect for practicing data structures, queue and stack operations, and arithmetic operations in Python. By implementing this program, you will gain hands-on experience in handling data structures, queue and stack operations, and arithmetic operations in Python. This exercise not only reinforces your understanding of data structures but also helps you develop efficient coding practices for managing user interactions.


Memory Management Techniques


Queue And Stack For Reverse Polish Notation


Develop a Python program to evaluate expressions written in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) using a queue and stack. The program should use a stack to store operands and a queue to process the operators. Implement operations to handle addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, ensuring proper handling of the RPN format.

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import queue

class RPNCalculator:
    """Class to evaluate expressions in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)."""
    def __init__(self):
        """Initializes the stack and the queue."""
        self.stack = []  # Stack to store operands
        self.operator_queue = queue.Queue()  # Queue to process operators

    def evaluate(self, expression):
        """Evaluates an RPN expression."""
        tokens = expression.split()  # Split the expression into tokens
        for token in tokens:
            if token.isdigit() or self.is_float(token):
                # If the token is a number, push it onto the stack
                # If the token is an operator, process it from the queue

        # The result should be the only item left in the stack
        if len(self.stack) == 1:
            return self.stack[0]
            raise ValueError("Invalid RPN expression.")

    def process_operator(self):
        """Processes the operator from the queue and performs the operation."""
        if not self.operator_queue.empty():
            operator = self.operator_queue.get()  # Get the operator from the queue

            # Ensure that there are at least two operands on the stack
            if len(self.stack) < 2:
                raise ValueError("Insufficient operands for operation.")

            operand2 = self.stack.pop()  # Pop the second operand
            operand1 = self.stack.pop()  # Pop the first operand

            # Perform the operation
            if operator == "+":
                result = operand1 + operand2
            elif operator == "-":
                result = operand1 - operand2
            elif operator == "*":
                result = operand1 * operand2
            elif operator == "/":
                if operand2 == 0:
                    raise ZeroDivisionError("Division by zero.")
                result = operand1 / operand2
                raise ValueError(f"Unknown operator: {operator}")

            # Push the result onto the stack

    def is_float(self, value):
        """Checks if a string represents a valid float."""
            return True
        except ValueError:
            return False

def main():
    """Main function to interact with the RPN calculator."""
    rpn_calculator = RPNCalculator()

    while True:
        expression = input("Enter an RPN expression (or type 'exit' to quit): ")
        if expression.lower() == 'exit':
            print("Exiting the program.")

            result = rpn_calculator.evaluate(expression)
            print(f"Result: {result}")
        except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError) as e:
            print(f"Error: {e}")

# Run the program
if __name__ == "__main__":


Enter an RPN expression (or type 'exit' to quit): 3 4 + 2 *
Result: 14.0

Enter an RPN expression (or type 'exit' to quit): 5 1 2 + 4 * + 3 -
Result: 14.0

Enter an RPN expression (or type 'exit' to quit): 10 2 /
Result: 5.0

Enter an RPN expression (or type 'exit' to quit): 2 0 /
Error: Division by zero.

Enter an RPN expression (or type 'exit' to quit): exit
Exiting the program.

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