Screen Buffer Using 2D Array - Python Programming Exercise

In this exercise, you will develop a Python program that declares a 70x20 two-dimensional array of characters, "draws" 80 letters (X, for example) in random positions, and displays the content of the array on screen. This exercise is perfect for practicing array manipulation and randomization in Python. By implementing a program that randomly places characters in a two-dimensional array and displays the result, you will gain hands-on experience in handling arrays and random functions in Python. This exercise not only reinforces your understanding of arrays and randomization but also helps you develop efficient coding practices for managing and displaying data.


Arrays, Lists, and Strings


Screen Buffer Using 2D Array


Develop a Python program that declares a 70x20 two-dimensional array of characters, "draws" 80 letters (X, for example) in random positions, and displays the content of the array on screen.

 Example Python Exercise

 Copy Python Code
import random

# Define the dimensions of the array
rows = 20
cols = 70

# Create a 70x20 two-dimensional array initialized with spaces
array = [[' ' for _ in range(cols)] for _ in range(rows)]

# Draw 80 'X' characters in random positions
for _ in range(80):
    row = random.randint(0, rows - 1)
    col = random.randint(0, cols - 1)
    array[row][col] = 'X'

# Display the content of the array
for row in array:


                     X   X                                                        
          X                      X                                                
  X                                 X                                           X
  X                                                               X            
        X                                                               X      
           X          X                  X                                    
                        X   X               X                               
                   X                                      X           X          
                 X         X    X              X                          
 X                   X          X                                                

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