Exercise tasks - Python Programming Exercise

In this exercise, you will develop a Python program that can store up to 2,000 "to-do tasks". For each task, it must keep the following data: Date (a set of 3 data: day, month, and year), Description of the task, Level of importance (1 to 10), and Category. The program should allow the user the following operations: add a new task (the date must "seem correct": day 1 to 31, month 1 to 12, year between 1000 and 3000), show the tasks between two certain dates (day, month, and year; if the user presses Enter without specifying a date, it will be taken as "today"; it must display the number of each record, the date (DD/MM/YYYY), description, category, and importance, all in the same line, separated with hyphens), find tasks that contain a certain text (in description or category, not case sensitive; it will display the number, date, and description (only 50 letters, in case it is longer); the user should be notified if none is found), update a record (it will ask for the number, display the previous value of each field, and the user can press Enter not to modify any of the data; the user should be warned (but not asked again) if they enter an incorrect record number; it is not necessary to validate any of the fields), delete some data (between two positions indicated by the user; the user should be warned (but not asked again) if they enter an incorrect record number; each record to be deleted must be displayed, and the user must be asked for confirmation), sort the data alphabetically by date and (if two dates are the same) by description, find duplicates (if two records have the same description, both will be displayed on-screen), and quit (end the application; as we do not store the information, it will be lost). This exercise is perfect for practicing the use of arrays and data manipulation in Python, as well as enhancing your skills in user interaction and database management. By implementing these functionalities, you will gain hands-on experience in handling user input and output in Python. This exercise not only reinforces your understanding of arrays and data manipulation but also helps you develop efficient coding practices for managing large datasets.


Arrays, Lists, and Strings


Exercise Tasks


Develop a Python program that can store up to 2000 "to-do tasks". For each task, it must keep the following data:

• Date (a set of 3 data: day, month, and year)
• Description of the task
• Level of importance (1 to 10)
• Category

The program should allow the user the following operations:

1 - Add a new task (the date must "seem correct": day 1 to 31, month 1 to 12, year between 1000 and 3000).

2 - Show the tasks between two certain dates (day, month, and year). If the user presses Enter without specifying a date, it will be taken as "today". It must display the number of each record, the date (DD/MM/YYYY), description, category, and importance, all in the same line, separated with hyphens.

3 - Find tasks that contain a certain text (in description or category, not case sensitive). It will display the number, date, and description (only 50 letters, in case it is longer). The user should be notified if none is found.

4 - Update a record (it will ask for the number, display the previous value of each field, and the user can press Enter not to modify any of the data). The user should be warned (but not asked again) if they enter an incorrect record number. It is not necessary to validate any of the fields.

5 - Delete some data, between two positions indicated by the user. The user should be warned (but not asked again) if they enter an incorrect record number. Each record to be deleted must be displayed, and the user must be asked for confirmation.

6 - Sort the data alphabetically by date and (if two dates are the same) by description.

7 - Find duplicates: If two records have the same description, both will be displayed on-screen.

Q - Quit (end the application; as we do not store the information, it will be lost).

(Hint: you can know the current date using DateTime.now().day, DateTime.now().month, and DateTime.now().year).

 Example Python Exercise

 Copy Python Code
# Import necessary libraries
from datetime import datetime  # Import datetime module to work with dates

# Class to represent a to-do task
class TodoTask:
    # Constructor to initialize a task with date, description, importance, and category
    def __init__(self, day, month, year, description, importance, category):
        self.date = (day, month, year)  # Date stored as a tuple (day, month, year)
        self.description = description  # Description of the task
        self.importance = importance  # Level of importance (1 to 10)
        self.category = category  # Category of the task

    # String representation of the task for easy display
    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.date[0]:02}/{self.date[1]:02}/{self.date[2]} - {self.description} - {self.category} - {self.importance}"

# List to store all the tasks entered by the user (max 2000 tasks)
tasks = []

# Helper function to validate if a given date is correct
def is_valid_date(day, month, year):
        # Check if the date is valid by trying to create a datetime object
        datetime(year, month, day)
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

# Main program loop
while True:
    # Display the main menu to the user
    print("1 - Add a new task")
    print("2 - Show tasks between two dates")
    print("3 - Find tasks containing certain text")
    print("4 - Update a record")
    print("5 - Delete tasks between two positions")
    print("6 - Sort tasks by date and description")
    print("7 - Find duplicate tasks")
    print("Q - Quit")
    # Get the user's choice from the menu
    choice = input("Enter your choice: ").strip().lower()

    # Option 1: Add a new task
    if choice == '1':
        # Prompt for the task date (day, month, year)
        day = int(input("Enter day (1-31): "))
        month = int(input("Enter month (1-12): "))
        year = int(input("Enter year (1000-3000): "))
        # Validate the date
        if not is_valid_date(day, month, year):
            print("Invalid date. Please enter a correct date.")
            continue  # Skip to the next iteration if the date is invalid
        # Get the task description, importance (1-10), and category
        description = input("Enter task description: ").strip()
        importance = int(input("Enter importance (1-10): "))
        category = input("Enter category: ").strip()

        # Create a new TodoTask object and add it to the list
        tasks.append(TodoTask(day, month, year, description, importance, category))
        print("Task added successfully.")  # Inform the user that the task was added

    # Option 2: Show tasks between two dates
    elif choice == '2':
        # Prompt the user for start and end dates (or use today's date if not provided)
        start_date_input = input("Enter start date (DD/MM/YYYY, leave blank for today): ").strip()
        end_date_input = input("Enter end date (DD/MM/YYYY, leave blank for today): ").strip()
        # Set start and end dates to today if the user presses Enter
        if not start_date_input:
            start_date_input = f"{datetime.now().day:02}/{datetime.now().month:02}/{datetime.now().year}"
        if not end_date_input:
            end_date_input = f"{datetime.now().day:02}/{datetime.now().month:02}/{datetime.now().year}"

        # Convert the input strings to date objects
        start_day, start_month, start_year = map(int, start_date_input.split('/'))
        end_day, end_month, end_year = map(int, end_date_input.split('/'))
        start_date = datetime(start_year, start_month, start_day)
        end_date = datetime(end_year, end_month, end_day)

        # Display tasks that fall between the two dates
        found = False  # Flag to track if any tasks are found
        for i, task in enumerate(tasks, 1):
            task_date = datetime(task.date[2], task.date[1], task.date[0])
            if start_date <= task_date <= end_date:
                print(f"{i} - {task}")  # Display the task details
                found = True
        if not found:  # If no tasks are found
            print("No tasks found in the given date range.")  # Notify the user

    # Option 3: Find tasks containing certain text
    elif choice == '3':
        # Prompt the user for a search text
        search_text = input("Enter text to search in description or category: ").strip().lower()

        found = False  # Flag to track if any tasks match the search text
        for i, task in enumerate(tasks, 1):
            # Search for the text in the description or category (case-insensitive)
            if search_text in task.description.lower() or search_text in task.category.lower():
                print(f"{i} - {task.date[0]:02}/{task.date[1]:02}/{task.date[2]} - {task.description[:50]}")  # Show the task
                found = True
        if not found:  # If no tasks match the search text
            print("No tasks found with the given text.")  # Notify the user

    # Option 4: Update a record
    elif choice == '4':
            # Prompt the user for the task number to update
            task_number = int(input("Enter task number to update: ").strip()) - 1
            if task_number < 0 or task_number >= len(tasks):  # Check if the task number is valid
                print("Invalid task number.")
                continue  # Skip to the next iteration if the task number is invalid

            task = tasks[task_number]  # Get the task to update
            # Display the current data of the task
            print(f"\nCurrent task details: {task}")
            # Prompt for new values, or allow the user to press Enter to keep the current ones
            new_description = input(f"Enter new description (current: {task.description}): ").strip()
            if new_description:
                task.description = new_description  # Update the description

            new_importance = input(f"Enter new importance (current: {task.importance}): ").strip()
            if new_importance:
                task.importance = int(new_importance)  # Update the importance

            new_category = input(f"Enter new category (current: {task.category}): ").strip()
            if new_category:
                task.category = new_category  # Update the category

        except ValueError:  # If the user enters an invalid task number
            print("Please enter a valid task number.")

    # Option 5: Delete tasks between two positions
    elif choice == '5':
            # Prompt the user for the range of tasks to delete
            start_pos = int(input("Enter start position: ").strip()) - 1
            end_pos = int(input("Enter end position: ").strip()) - 1
            if start_pos < 0 or end_pos >= len(tasks) or start_pos > end_pos:  # Validate the positions
                print("Invalid positions.")
                continue  # Skip to the next iteration if the positions are invalid

            # Display the tasks to be deleted
            print("\nThe following tasks will be deleted:")
            for i in range(start_pos, end_pos + 1):
                print(f"{i + 1} - {tasks[i]}")  # Display each task to be deleted

            # Ask for confirmation before deleting
            confirm = input("Are you sure you want to delete these tasks? (y/n): ").strip().lower()
            if confirm == 'y':
                # Delete the tasks from the list
                del tasks[start_pos:end_pos + 1]
                print("Tasks deleted.")
                print("Deletion cancelled.")  # If the user cancels

        except ValueError:  # If the user enters an invalid position
            print("Please enter valid positions.")

    # Option 6: Sort tasks by date and description
    elif choice == '6':
        # Sort tasks first by date, then by description
        tasks.sort(key=lambda task: (task.date, task.description.lower()))
        print("Tasks sorted by date and description.")

    # Option 7: Find duplicate tasks
    elif choice == '7':
        found = False  # Flag to track if any duplicates are found
        seen = set()  # Set to track descriptions already seen
        for i, task in enumerate(tasks, 1):
            if task.description.lower() in seen:  # If the description is a duplicate
                print(f"Duplicate task: {i} - {task}")
                found = True
                seen.add(task.description.lower())  # Add description to the set
        if not found:  # If no duplicates are found
            print("No duplicate tasks found.")  # Notify the user

    # Option Q: Quit the program
    elif choice == 'q':
        print("Exiting the program...")  # Inform the user
        break  # Exit the loop and end the program

        print("Invalid choice, please enter a valid option.")  # Display an error message for invalid input


1 - Add a new task
2 - Show tasks between two dates
3 - Find tasks containing certain text
4 - Update a record
5 - Delete tasks between two positions
6 - Sort tasks by date and description
7 - Find duplicate tasks
Q - Quit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter day (1-31): 15
Enter month (1-12): 8
Enter year (1000-3000): 2024
Enter task description: Complete Python homework
Enter importance (1-10): 8
Enter category: Education
Task added successfully.

Enter your choice: 2
Enter start date (DD/MM/YYYY, leave blank for today): 
Enter end date (DD/MM/YYYY, leave blank for today): 
1 - 15/08/2024 - Complete Python homework - Education - 8

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