Display Banner - Python Programming Exercise

In this exercise, you will develop a Python program to mimic the basic Unix SysV "banner" utility, capable of displaying large texts. This exercise is perfect for practicing string manipulation and loops in Python. By implementing a program that can display large texts in a banner format, you will gain hands-on experience in handling user input and output in Python. This exercise not only reinforces your understanding of string manipulation but also helps you develop efficient coding practices for managing user interactions.


Arrays, Lists, and Strings


Display Banner


Develop a Python program to mimic the basic Unix SysV "banner" utility, capable of displaying large texts.

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# Define a dictionary for large font representation of characters
banner_font = {
    'A': ['  A  ', ' A A ', 'AAAAA', 'A   A', 'A   A'],
    'B': ['BBBB ', 'B   B', 'BBBB ', 'B   B', 'BBBB '],
    'C': [' CCC ', 'C    ', 'C    ', 'C    ', ' CCC '],
    'D': ['DDDD ', 'D   D', 'D   D', 'D   D', 'DDDD '],
    'E': ['EEEEE', 'E    ', 'EEEEE', 'E    ', 'EEEEE'],
    'F': ['EEEEE', 'E    ', 'EEEEE', 'E    ', 'E    '],
    'G': [' GGG ', 'G    ', 'G  GG', 'G   G', ' GGG '],
    'H': ['H   H', 'H   H', 'HHHHH', 'H   H', 'H   H'],
    'I': [' III ', '  I  ', '  I  ', '  I  ', ' III '],
    'J': ['   J', '   J', '   J', 'J  J', ' JJ '],
    'K': ['K   K', 'K  K ', 'KK   ', 'K  K ', 'K   K'],
    'L': ['L    ', 'L    ', 'L    ', 'L    ', 'LLLLL'],
    'M': ['M   M', 'MM MM', 'M M M', 'M   M', 'M   M'],
    'N': ['N   N', 'NN  N', 'N N N', 'N  NN', 'N   N'],
    'O': [' OOO ', 'O   O', 'O   O', 'O   O', ' OOO '],
    'P': ['PPPP ', 'P   P', 'PPPP ', 'P    ', 'P    '],
    'Q': [' QQQ ', 'Q   Q', 'Q   Q', 'Q  QQ', ' QQQQ'],
    'R': ['RRRR ', 'R   R', 'RRRR ', 'R  R ', 'R   R'],
    'S': [' SSS ', 'S    ', ' SSS ', '    S', ' SSS '],
    'T': ['TTTTT', '  T  ', '  T  ', '  T  ', '  T  '],
    'U': ['U   U', 'U   U', 'U   U', 'U   U', ' UUU '],
    'V': ['V   V', 'V   V', 'V   V', ' V V ', '  V  '],
    'W': ['W   W', 'W   W', 'W M M', 'W M M', 'W   W'],
    'X': ['X   X', ' X X ', '  X  ', ' X X ', 'X   X'],
    'Y': ['Y   Y', ' Y Y ', '  Y  ', '  Y  ', '  Y  '],
    'Z': ['ZZZZZ', '   Z ', '  Z  ', ' Z   ', 'ZZZZZ'],
    ' ': ['     ', '     ', '     ', '     ', '     '],

# Main program loop
while True:
    user_input = input("Enter text for banner (or 'exit' to quit): ")
    if user_input.lower() == 'exit':
    user_input = user_input.upper()  # Convert text to uppercase for uniformity
    lines = ['' for _ in range(5)]  # Initialize lines for large text (5 lines)
    for char in user_input:
        if char in banner_font:
            char_rep = banner_font[char]
            for i in range(5):
                lines[i] += char_rep[i] + '  '  # Add each character's representation with space
    # Print the large banner text
    for line in lines:


Enter text for banner (or 'exit' to quit): Hello
H   H  EEEEE  L      L       OOO  
H   H  E      L      L      O   O 
HHHHH  EEEE   L      L      O   O 
H   H  E      L      L      O   O 

Enter text for banner (or 'exit' to quit): Python
P   P  Y   Y  TTTTT  H   H  OOO   N   N 
P   P  Y Y Y    T    H   H O   O  NN  N 
PPPPP   YYY     T    HHHHH O   O  N N N 
P       Y Y     T    H   H O   O  N  NN 
P       Y   Y    T    H   H  OOO   N   N 

Enter text for banner (or 'exit' to quit): exit

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