In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a program where the main structure is the Main method. Inside this method, two functions should be called: SayHello...
In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a program where the Main method must be like this:public static void Main(){ SayHello("John"...
In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a program where the Main method must be like this:public static void Main(){ int x = 3;
In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a program where the Main method must be like this:public static void Main(){ Console.WriteLi...
In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a function that displays the given text centered on the screen (assuming a screen width of 80 characters). The code should...
In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a function that displays the given text centered on the screen (assuming a screen width of 80 characters) and then underli...
In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a program to calculate the sum of the elements in an array. The Main function should look like the following:<...
In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a function named "Double" to calculate and return an integer number doubled. For example, when calling the Double(7...
In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a function named "Double" that calculates the double of an integer number and modifies the data passed as an argument. Thi...
In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a function named "Swap" that swaps the values of two integer numbers, which are passed by reference. This is done b...
In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a function named "Power" that calculates the result of raising an integer number to another positive integer number. The ...
In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a function that calculates the result of raising one integer to another integer using recursion. For example, raising 5 to...
In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a program that uses recursion to calculate a number in the Fibonacci series. The Fibonacci series is a seque...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a function named ChangeChar that modifies a letter at a specific position (starting from 0) in a st...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a function named IsPrime that receives an integer number and returns true if the number is p...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a program named sum that receives two integer numbers from the command line and displays their sum. This t...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a function named SumDigits that receives a number and returns the result of summing its digits. Thi...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a recursive function to calculate the factorial of a number. The factorial of a number is ex...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a program named reverse that receives several words from the command line and display...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a function named GetInt, which displays on screen the text received as a parameter, asks the user f...
In this exercise of C#, you will improve a "tasks database" program by splitting it into multiple functions. This type of exercise is great for l...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a function that returns the greatest value stored in an array of real numbers, which is specified as a par...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create an iterative (non-recursive) function to calculate the factorial of the number specified as a parameter. T...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a function named "WriteTitle" that writes a text centered on the screen, in uppercase, with extra spaces, ...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a program in which you can use the WriteTitle function to write a title that the user will specify ...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a function that calculates the amount of numeric digits and vowels a text string contains. The function...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a function that tells if a character is alphabetic (from A to Z) or not. This function should be us...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a function that tells if a text string represents an integer number. This function should be used l...
In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a program that performs mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division...
In this exercise of C#, you will create a program that calculates mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, by analyzing...
In this exercise of C#, you will create a function named MinMaxArray that receives an array of numbers and returns the minimum and maximum values using ...
In this exercise of C#, you need to create a program that uses recursion to reverse a string of characters. The program should receive a string as input...
In this exercise of C#, you need to create two functions: one called WriteRectangle to display a filled rectangle on the screen using asterisks, and another ca...
In this exercise in C#, you need to create an iterative function that checks if a string is symmetric (a palindrome). A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other...
In this exercise in C#, you will need to create a recursive function to check if a string is symmetric (a palindrome). A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, ...
In this exercise in C#, you will need to write a function named "GetMinMax", which will ask the user to enter a minimum value (a number) and a maximum value (a...
In this exercise in C#, you will need to write two functions called "Multiply" and "MultiplyR" to calculate the product of two numbers using sums. The first ve...