Function Isalphabetic - C# Programming Exercise

In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a function that tells if a character is alphabetic (from A to Z) or not. This function should be used like this: if (IsAlphabetic("a")) System.Console.WriteLine("It is an alphabetic character");. In this case, if the character is a letter between A and Z, the function will return true and print the message "It is an alphabetic character". This exercise is great for practicing character manipulation in C#, working with conditionals, and using the System.Console.WriteLine function. Note that in this exercise, you do not need to worry about accents or the ñ letter, which simplifies the process by limiting the alphabetic characters to only unmodified letters. With this exercise, you'll improve your ability to work with text strings and validate characters within those strings.

This type of function is useful for situations where you need to check the nature of a character before processing it or performing a specific action in a program.




Function Isalphabetic


Write a C# function that tells if a character is alphabetic (A through Z) or not. It should be used like this:

if (IsAlphabetic ("a"))
System.Console.WriteLine ("It is an alphabetic character");

(Note: do not worry about accents and ñ)

 Write Your C# Exercise

// Import the System namespace to use basic classes like Console
using System;

class Program
    // Main method to drive the program
    public static void Main()
        // Test the IsAlphabetic function
        if (IsAlphabetic("a"))
            Console.WriteLine("It is an alphabetic character");
            Console.WriteLine("It is not an alphabetic character");

        if (IsAlphabetic("1"))
            Console.WriteLine("It is an alphabetic character");
            Console.WriteLine("It is not an alphabetic character");

    // Function to check if a character is alphabetic
    public static bool IsAlphabetic(string str)
        // Check if the string contains exactly one character and it is a letter
        return str.Length == 1 && char.IsLetter(str[0]);

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