Search In Array - C# Programming Exercise

In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a program that checks if a given data belongs to a previously created list.

The steps to follow are:

- Ask the user how many data they will enter.
- Reserve space for that number of floating-point numbers.
- Request the data from the user.

Later, the program should repeat as follows:

- Ask the user for a number (the program ends when they enter "end" instead of a number).
- Indicate whether that number is listed or not.

This exercise must be done in pairs, but you must provide a single source file that contains both programmers' names in a comment. This exercise is useful for practicing lists in C#, using loops, and how to interact with the user to efficiently receive and process data.


Arrays, Structures and Strings


Search In Array


Write a C# program that says if a data belongs in a list that was previously created.

The steps to take are:
- Ask the user how many data will he enter.
- Reserve space for that amount of numbers (floating point).
- Request the data to the user
- Later, repeat:
* Ask the user for a number (execution ends when he enters "end" instead of a number).
* Say if that number is listed or not.

Must be done in pairs. but you must provide a single source file, containing the names of both programmers in a comment.

 Write Your C# Exercise

using System;  // Import the System namespace for basic functionality

class Program  // Define the main class
    static void Main()  // The entry point of the program
        // Comment with the names of both programmers
        // Programmers: [Your Name] & [Partner's Name]

        // Ask the user how many data points they want to enter
        Console.Write("How many numbers will you enter? ");
        int count = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());  // Read and store the number of data points

        // Create an array to store the floating point numbers
        double[] numbers = new double[count];

        // Ask the user for the data and store it in the array
        Console.WriteLine("Enter the numbers:");
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            Console.Write($"Enter number {i + 1}: ");  // Prompt the user for a number
            numbers[i] = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());  // Convert the input to a double and store it in the array

        // Start checking if the entered numbers exist in the list
        while (true)
            Console.Write("\nEnter a number to search for (or 'end' to quit): ");
            string input = Console.ReadLine();  // Read user input

            // Check if the user wants to end the program
            if (input.ToLower() == "end")
                break;  // Exit the loop if the user types "end"

            // Convert the input to a double and check if it exists in the array
            double searchValue;
            bool isValid = double.TryParse(input, out searchValue);  // Check if the input can be parsed as a double

            if (isValid)
                // Check if the number exists in the array
                bool found = false;
                foreach (double number in numbers)
                    if (number == searchValue)
                        found = true;

                // Display whether the number is found in the array or not
                if (found)
                    Console.WriteLine($"The number {searchValue} is in the list.");
                    Console.WriteLine($"The number {searchValue} is not in the list.");
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number or 'end' to quit.");


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