Function Return Value For Main - C# Programming Exercise

In this exercise of C#, you will learn how to create a program in which you can use the WriteTitle function to write a title that the user will specify in the command line. If the user doesn't specify any text, your program will display an error message and return a value of 1 to the operating system. This exercise is excellent for practicing how to read command line arguments in C# and how to handle input errors. By using the WriteTitle function, you can customize the presentation of the text on the screen, and with the control flow logic, you can manage different cases in the program's execution.

With this exercise, you'll learn how to manage command line arguments and errors in C#, thus improving the robustness and flexibility of your programs.




Function Return Value For Main


Write a C# program in which you write a title (using the previous WriteTitle function) which the user will specify in command line. If no text is specified, your program will display an error message and return a value of 1 to the operatiing system.

 Write Your C# Exercise

// Importing necessary namespaces
using System;

class Program
    // Main method to drive the program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Check if any argument is passed (i.e., a title)
        if (args.Length == 0)
            // If no argument is provided, show an error message and return 1
            Console.WriteLine("Error: No title specified.");
            Environment.Exit(1); // Return 1 to the operating system
            // If an argument is provided, call the WriteTitle function with the user's title
            string title = string.Join(" ", args); // Join the arguments if there are multiple words
            WriteTitle(title); // Display the title

    // Function to write the title with lines above and below
    public static void WriteTitle(string text)
        // Defining the screen width (80 columns)
        int screenWidth = 80;

        // Convert the text to uppercase and add extra spaces between each character
        string upperText = string.Join(" ", text.ToUpper().ToCharArray());

        // Calculate the number of hyphens needed for the lines
        int totalLength = upperText.Length + 4; // 2 extra spaces for padding on each side
        int hyphenCount = (screenWidth - totalLength) / 2;

        // Create the line of hyphens
        string hyphens = new string('-', hyphenCount);

        // Display the line above the text

        // Display the text centered
        Console.WriteLine($"{hyphens} {upperText} {hyphens}");

        // Display the line below the text

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