In this exercise, you need to create a class named "Table". This class should have a constructor that accepts the width and height of the table. ...
In this exercise, you need to create a class called "House" with an attribute called "area". The class should have a constructor to set the value of this attri...
In this exercise, you need to create a project named "Tables2", based on the "Tables" project. In this new project, you should create a class called "CoffeeTable" tha...
In this exercise, you need to create a class called "Encrypter" to encrypt and decrypt text. The class will have an "Encrypt" method, whic...
In this exercise of C#, the concept of complex numbers is introduced, which consist of two parts: the real part and the imaginary part. In an expression like a+bi (fo...
In this exercise of C#, the example of tables and coffee tables is extended by adding a class called "Leg". This class should include a method named ShowData, ...
In this exercise of C#, you are required to create a class diagram and then, using Visual Studio, develop a project with the corresponding classes for a catalog utili...
In this exercise of C#, you need to create a class called RandomNumber with three static methods. The first method, GetFloat, should return a number bet...
In this exercise of C#, you need to create a class called TextToHTML, which should be able to convert several texts entered by the user into an HTML sequence. ...
In this exercise of C#, you need to create a class called ScreenText, which will display a certain text at specified screen coordinates. The class must have a ...
In this exercise of C#, you need to improve the ComplexNumber class by overloading the + and - operators to allow the addition and subtraction of...
In this exercise of C#, you need to create a class called Point3D to represent a point in 3-D space, with coordinates X, Y, and Z. The class must include the f...
In this exercise of C#, you need to improve the catalog program so that the Main method displays a menu allowing the user to enter new data of any kind, as wel...