Arraylist Duplicate A Text File
Create a program that reads from a text file and stores it to another text file by reversing the order of lines.
For example, an input text file like:
yesterday Real Madrid
won against
Barcelona FC
will be stored in an output text file like:
Barcelona FC
won against
yesterday Real Madrid
Write Your C# Exercise
C# Exercise Example
// Importing necessary namespaces for file I/O and ArrayList
using System; // For basic functionalities like Console
using System.Collections; // For using the ArrayList class
using System.IO; // For file input and output
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// File paths for input and output text files
string inputFile = "input.txt"; // Path to the input file
string outputFile = "output.txt"; // Path to the output file
// Check if the input file exists before proceeding
if (File.Exists(inputFile))
// Create an ArrayList to store the lines from the input file
ArrayList lines = new ArrayList();
// Reading all lines from the input file and adding them to the ArrayList
string[] fileLines = File.ReadAllLines(inputFile);
foreach (string line in fileLines)
lines.Add(line); // Adding each line to the ArrayList
// Reversing the order of lines in the ArrayList
// Writing the reversed lines to the output file
File.WriteAllLines(outputFile, (string[])lines.ToArray(typeof(string)));
Console.WriteLine("The lines have been reversed and written to the output file.");
// If the input file does not exist, display an error message
Console.WriteLine("Input file does not exist.");