Hast Table - Dictionary - C# Programming Exercise

In this exercise, you need to create a dictionary using a hash table. The purpose of this exercise is to practice the implementation of an efficient data structure to store key-value pairs.

A hash table is a data structure that associates keys with values, allowing fast lookups, insertions, and deletions. In this exercise, you will need to implement a dictionary that stores words as keys and their respective definitions as values.

This exercise will help you understand how a hash table works in C#, its basic implementation, and how to handle collisions. You will need to manage data insertion as well as searching for definitions using the keys provided by the user.

Such structures are crucial for applications that require fast access to data, such as in search engines and information storage.


Dynamic Memory Management


Hast Table - Dictionary


Submit your dictionary here using a hash table.

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// Importing necessary namespaces for handling collections
using System;  // Basic namespace for console input/output and other fundamental operations
using System.Collections;  // To use Hashtable, a collection type for key-value pairs

class Program
    // Creating a Hashtable to store key-value pairs
    static Hashtable dictionary = new Hashtable();  // Hashtable for storing dictionary entries with keys and values

    // Method to add a word and its meaning to the dictionary
    static void AddWord(string word, string meaning)
        // Check if the word already exists in the dictionary
        if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(word))  // If the word is not already in the dictionary
            dictionary.Add(word, meaning);  // Add the word and its meaning to the dictionary
            Console.WriteLine($"Added '{word}' to the dictionary.");  // Inform the user that the word was added
            Console.WriteLine($"'{word}' already exists in the dictionary.");  // If the word is already present, inform the user

    // Method to search for a word in the dictionary
    static void SearchWord(string word)
        // Check if the word exists in the dictionary
        if (dictionary.ContainsKey(word))  // If the word is found in the dictionary
            // Retrieve and display the meaning of the word
            Console.WriteLine($"{word}: {dictionary[word]}");  // Display the meaning of the word
            Console.WriteLine($"'{word}' not found in the dictionary.");  // If the word doesn't exist, inform the user

    // Main program method to interact with the user and manage the dictionary
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Add some words to the dictionary
        AddWord("Apple", "A round fruit with red or green skin and a whitish interior.");
        AddWord("Banana", "A long, curved fruit with a yellow skin.");
        AddWord("Computer", "An electronic device for storing and processing data.");

        // Ask the user to input a word to search
        Console.Write("Enter a word to search in the dictionary: ");
        string wordToSearch = Console.ReadLine();  // Read the user's input for the word to search

        // Search and display the meaning of the entered word
        SearchWord(wordToSearch);  // Call the SearchWord method to find and display the meaning

        // Optionally, display the entire dictionary (all words and their meanings)
        Console.WriteLine("\nFull Dictionary:");
        foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dictionary)  // Iterate over all entries in the dictionary
            Console.WriteLine($"{entry.Key}: {entry.Value}");  // Display each word and its meaning

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