Parenthesis - C# Programming Exercise

In this exercise, you need to implement a function to check if a sequence of open and closed parentheses is balanced. In other words, the function should check if every open parenthesis corresponds to a closing one and if they are correctly nested.

A parenthesis is correctly nested when each opening parenthesis '(' has a matching closing parenthesis ')', and the pairs close in the right order. In this exercise, you will be given a string containing parentheses, and the function should verify if the sequence is valid or not.

For example:

- The sequence "(()()(()))" is valid because all parentheses are correctly balanced and nested.

- The sequence "(((()" is incorrect because it lacks the closing parenthesis.

This exercise is great for practicing the use of stacks or counters, which are useful data structures for validation and symbol balancing in strings.


Dynamic Memory Management




Implement a function to check if a sequence of open and closed parentheses is balanced. In other words, check if each open parenthesis corresponds to a closing one and they are correctly nested.

For example:

"(()()(()))" is OK
"(((()" is an ERROR

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// Importing necessary namespace for handling collections
using System;  // Basic namespace for console input/output and fundamental operations
using System.Collections.Generic;  // For using the Stack class

class Program
    // Function to check if a sequence of parentheses is balanced
    static bool IsBalanced(string parentheses)
        // Create a stack to hold the open parentheses
        Stack stack = new Stack();  // Stack will help to track unmatched open parentheses

        // Iterate through each character in the input string
        foreach (char ch in parentheses)  // For each character in the string
            // If the character is an opening parenthesis, push it onto the stack
            if (ch == '(')  // If the character is an open parenthesis
                stack.Push(ch);  // Add the open parenthesis to the stack
            // If the character is a closing parenthesis, check if there's a matching open parenthesis
            else if (ch == ')')  // If the character is a closing parenthesis
                // If the stack is empty, it means no matching open parenthesis, return false
                if (stack.Count == 0)  // If there are no open parentheses to match with
                    return false;  // It means the parentheses are not balanced
                stack.Pop();  // Remove the top item from the stack (matching the open parenthesis)

        // If the stack is empty, all open parentheses had matching closing parentheses
        return stack.Count == 0;  // If the stack is empty, the parentheses are balanced

    // Main program method to test the IsBalanced function
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Test the IsBalanced function with valid and invalid examples
        string test1 = "(()()(()))";  // A valid sequence of parentheses
        string test2 = "(((()";  // An invalid sequence of parentheses

        // Display the results of the balance check
        Console.WriteLine($"Is the sequence '{test1}' balanced? {IsBalanced(test1)}");  // Expecting true
        Console.WriteLine($"Is the sequence '{test2}' balanced? {IsBalanced(test2)}");  // Expecting false

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