Reading A Binay File (2 - GIF) - C# Programming Exercise

This C# exercise aims to teach how to check the validity of a GIF image file. In this exercise, you need to create a program that reads the first four bytes of an image file and checks if they correspond to the typical header of a GIF file. The first four bytes must be G, I, F, and 8, indicating that the file could be a valid GIF.

If the file seems correct, the program should then check the GIF version by looking at the next byte, which should be a 7 or a 9, corresponding to version 87a or 89a of the GIF format. This exercise is a great way to learn about binary file manipulation and how to validate an image format using C#.

By completing this exercise, you will improve your skills in reading and verifying files, specifically how to interpret the bytes of a file to determine its format and version.


File Management


Reading A Binay File (2 - GIF)


Create a C# program to check if a GIF image file seems to be correct.

It must see if the first four bytes are G, I, F, 8.

In case it seems correct, it must also display the GIF version (87 or 89), checking if the following byte is a 7 or a 9.

 Write Your C# Exercise

// Importing necessary namespaces
using System; // Importing the System namespace for basic C# functionality
using System.IO; // Importing the IO namespace for file operations

public class GifFileChecker
    // Method to check if the GIF file seems to be correct and to display the GIF version
    public static void CheckGifFile(string fileName)
        // Open the file in binary mode for reading
        using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open))) // Use BinaryReader to read bytes from the file
            // Read the first four bytes of the file to check the header
            byte[] header = reader.ReadBytes(4); // Read the first 4 bytes

            // Check if the first four bytes are G, I, F, and 8
            if (header[0] == 0x47 && header[1] == 0x49 && header[2] == 0x46 && header[3] == 0x38) // Check if the bytes match "GIF8"
                // Display that the file is a valid GIF file
                Console.WriteLine("This is a valid GIF file.");

                // Read the next byte to determine the GIF version
                byte versionByte = reader.ReadByte(); // Read the next byte

                // Check the version byte for 87 or 89
                if (versionByte == 0x37) // If the byte is 0x37 (ASCII for "7"), it is GIF 87
                    Console.WriteLine("GIF Version: 87a"); // Display the GIF version
                else if (versionByte == 0x39) // If the byte is 0x39 (ASCII for "9"), it is GIF 89
                    Console.WriteLine("GIF Version: 89a"); // Display the GIF version
                    Console.WriteLine("Unknown GIF version.");
                // If the first four bytes don't match "GIF8", it's not a valid GIF file
                Console.WriteLine("This is not a valid GIF file.");

class Program
    // Main method where the program execution starts
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Check if the user provided the file name as an argument
        if (args.Length < 1) // If no file name is provided
            Console.WriteLine("Please provide the GIF file name."); // Prompt user to provide the file
            return; // Exit the program if no file is provided

        string fileName = args[0]; // Assign the file name from the command line argument

        // Check if the input file exists
        if (!File.Exists(fileName)) // If the file doesn't exist
            Console.WriteLine($"The file '{fileName}' does not exist."); // Print error message
            return; // Exit the program if the file doesn't exist

        // Call the method to check the GIF file
        GifFileChecker.CheckGifFile(fileName); // Check the file and display the result

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