Pascal To C# Translator - C# Programming Exercise

This C# exercise involves creating a basic Pascal to C# translator. The program should accept code written in Pascal and convert it to an equivalent C# code. The exercise starts by reading a text file containing Pascal code, with the file name provided by the user either via the command line or interactively. The contents of the file are then dumped into another text file with the same structure, but with a ".cs" extension instead of ".pas".

Next, the translator must perform several key transformations to convert the Pascal code to C#. Specific words and structures need to be replaced, such as "WriteLn" with "Console.WriteLine", the operator " = " with "==", and " := " with "=", among others. Additionally, "begin" should be replaced with "{", and "end;" and "end." should be replaced with "}", to follow the correct C# syntax.

In this exercise, other Pascal structures like "program x;" should be replaced with "class x {" followed by "Main", and "readLn(x)" with "x = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())". Also, the "var" keyword must be eliminated, and type declarations like "x: integer" should be converted to "int x". Finally, the "for" loop must be properly formatted. The main challenge of this exercise is to create a translator that can generate compilable C# code from Pascal code.


File Management


Pascal To C# Translator


Create a basic Pascal to C# translator. It will accept program such as:

example program;

i: integer;
max: integer;

writeLn("How many times?");
for i := 1 to max do

The steps you must follow are:
Read from beginning to end a text file, whose name will be entered by the user in command line or in an interactive way: up to 2 points.

Dump the contents to another text file, whose name will be the same, but with ".cs" extension instead of ".pas": up to 4 points.

Replace "WriteLn" with "Console.WriteLine", " = "with "==", " := " with "=", simple quotes with double quotes, "begin" with "{" and "end;", "end.", "end" (in that order) with "}", : up to 6 points.

Replace "program x;" with "class x {" followed with "Main", Replace "readln(x)" with "x=Convert.ToInt32(Console.RadLine())" ("x" must be any other identifier): up to 8 points.

Eliminate "var" and replace "x: integer" with "int x" (but "x" must be any other identifier): up to 9 points. Give a proper format to "for": up to 10 points.

Create a compilable C# source from the previous Pascal source and similar ones: up to 11 points.

 Write Your C# Exercise

// Importing necessary namespaces for basic operations
using System; // For basic Console operations
using System.IO; // For file handling
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; // For using regular expressions

public class PascalToCSharpTranslator
    // Method to translate Pascal code to C# code
    public static string TranslatePascalToCSharp(string pascalCode)
        // Replacing "WriteLn" with "Console.WriteLine"
        pascalCode = pascalCode.Replace("WriteLn", "Console.WriteLine");

        // Replacing " = " with "=="
        pascalCode = pascalCode.Replace(" = ", "==");

        // Replacing " := " with "="
        pascalCode = pascalCode.Replace(" := ", "=");

        // Replacing single quotes with double quotes
        pascalCode = pascalCode.Replace("'", "\"");

        // Replacing "begin" with "{"
        pascalCode = pascalCode.Replace("begin", "{");

        // Replacing "end;" and "end." with "}"
        pascalCode = pascalCode.Replace("end;", "}");
        pascalCode = pascalCode.Replace("end.", "}");

        // Replacing "program x;" with "class x {"
        pascalCode = Regex.Replace(pascalCode, @"program\s+(\w+);", "class $1 {");

        // Replacing "readln(x)" with "x = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())"
        pascalCode = Regex.Replace(pascalCode, @"readln\((\w+)\)", "$1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())");

        // Replacing "var" and "x: integer" with "int x"
        pascalCode = Regex.Replace(pascalCode, @"var", "");
        pascalCode = Regex.Replace(pascalCode, @"(\w+):\s*integer", "int $1");

        // Formatting "for" loops to C# style
        pascalCode = Regex.Replace(pascalCode, @"for\s+(\w+)\s*:=\s*(\d+)\s+to\s*(\d+)\s*do", "for(int $1 = $2; $1 <= $3; $1++)");

        return pascalCode;

    // Method to process the Pascal code file and generate the C# code file
    public static void ProcessFile(string inputFileName)
        // Reading the Pascal code from the input file
        string pascalCode = File.ReadAllText(inputFileName);

        // Translating Pascal code to C#
        string cSharpCode = TranslatePascalToCSharp(pascalCode);

        // Creating the output file name by changing the extension from .pas to .cs
        string outputFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(inputFileName, ".cs");

        // Writing the translated C# code to the output file
        File.WriteAllText(outputFileName, cSharpCode);

        Console.WriteLine($"Translation complete. The C# code has been saved to {outputFileName}");

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Asking user for the Pascal file name
        Console.Write("Enter the Pascal file name (with .pas extension): ");
        string inputFileName = Console.ReadLine();

        // Calling the ProcessFile method to handle the translation

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