Convert A Text File To Uppercase - C# Programming Exercise

This C# exercise involves creating a program that reads a text file and dumps its content into another file, making a transformation in the process. The transformation involves changing all lowercase letters to their uppercase equivalents. The goal of this exercise is to practice file handling and text manipulation in C#.

The program should read the original text file and iterate through its content, detecting lowercase letters and replacing them with their uppercase versions. Then, the program should save the result to a new text file. This exercise provides an excellent opportunity to become familiar with file handling as well as text conversion in C#. Additionally, as part of the instructions, the .cs file must contain a comment with your name to indicate that you have completed the task.

This exercise is perfect for those who want to learn how to work with string and file manipulation in C#, while also applying basic text operations efficiently.


File Management


Convert A Text File To Uppercase


Write a program to read a text file and dump its content to another file, changing the lowercase letters to uppercase.

You must deliver only the ".cs" file, with you name in a comment.

 Write Your C# Exercise

// Importing the System namespace to access basic operations like Console and File handling
using System;  

// Importing the System.IO namespace to handle file operations
using System.IO;  

// Defining the ConvertToUppercase class
class ConvertToUppercase  
    // Method to convert the content of a text file to uppercase
    public static void ConvertFileToUppercase(string inputFileName, string outputFileName)
        // Reading the content of the input file using File.ReadAllText
        string fileContent = File.ReadAllText(inputFileName);

        // Converting the content to uppercase using the ToUpper method
        string uppercasedContent = fileContent.ToUpper();

        // Writing the converted content to the output file using File.WriteAllText
        File.WriteAllText(outputFileName, uppercasedContent);

        // Displaying a message to the user that the file has been successfully written
        Console.WriteLine($"File content has been converted to uppercase and saved to {outputFileName}");

    // Main method where execution starts
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Asking the user to input the file name for reading
        Console.Write("Enter the input file name (with extension): ");
        // Reading the file name from the user input
        string inputFileName = Console.ReadLine();  

        // Creating the output file name by appending "_uppercase" to the original file name
        string outputFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputFileName) + "_uppercase" + Path.GetExtension(inputFileName);

        // Calling the method to convert the content of the input file to uppercase and save it to the output file
        ConvertFileToUppercase.ConvertFileToUppercase(inputFileName, outputFileName);

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