Centered Text Function - Python Programming Exercise

In this exercise, you will develop a Python function named "get_int" that displays the text received as a parameter, prompts the user for an integer number, repeats if the number is not between the minimum and maximum values indicated as parameters, and finally returns the entered number. This exercise is perfect for practicing function definition, input validation, and loops in Python. By implementing this function and calling it from the main function, you will gain hands-on experience in handling function definitions, input validation, and loops in Python. This exercise not only reinforces your understanding of functions but also helps you develop efficient coding practices for managing user interactions.


Mastering Functions


Centered Text Function


Develop a Python function named "get_int" that displays the text received as a parameter, prompts the user for an integer number, repeats if the number is not between the minimum and maximum values indicated as parameters, and finally returns the entered number:

age = get_int("Enter your age", 0, 150)

would become:

Enter your age: 180
Not a valid answer. Must be no more than 150.
Enter your age: -2
Not a valid answer. Must be no less than 0.
Enter your age: 20

(the value for the variable "age" would be 20)

 Example Python Exercise

 Copy Python Code
# Define the function get_int which takes a prompt message, minimum, and maximum values as parameters
def get_int(prompt, min_val, max_val):
    while True:  # Start an infinite loop to keep asking until a valid input is received
            # Display the prompt message and get the input from the user, then try to convert it to an integer
            user_input = int(input(f"{prompt}: "))  # Prompt the user for input and convert it to an integer
            # Check if the input is within the specified range
            if user_input < min_val:
                print(f"Not a valid answer. Must be no less than {min_val}.")  # If input is too small, show error
            elif user_input > max_val:
                print(f"Not a valid answer. Must be no more than {max_val}.")  # If input is too large, show error
                return user_input  # If the input is valid, return the value and exit the loop
        except ValueError:
            # Handle the case where input is not an integer
            print("Not a valid number. Please enter a valid integer.")  # Display error for invalid input

# Main code to call get_int and store the result in the variable 'age'
age = get_int("Enter your age", 0, 150)  # Call the get_int function with a prompt message and range of 0-150


Enter your age: 180
Not a valid answer. Must be no more than 150.
Enter your age: -2
Not a valid answer. Must be no less than 0.
Enter your age: 20

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