Binary Code - Python Programming Exercise

This Python program prompts the user to enter a decimal number and displays its equivalent in binary form. Instead of using the str() function, the program converts the decimal number into binary using successive divisions, where the number is repeatedly divided by 2, and the remainders are collected to form the binary representation. The program continues to execute, converting decimal numbers to binary, until the user enters the word "end", signaling the end of the program. This method offers an excellent demonstration of how to manually perform number conversions in Python. The program is an effective way to understand how binary conversion works at a lower level. Rather than relying on built-in functions like bin(), it showcases the use of division and modulo operations to break down the decimal number into its binary components. This task is a great exercise for anyone learning about number systems and loops in Python, as it helps reinforce the fundamentals of both mathematics and programming logic.


Python Data Types


Binary Code


Develop a Python program that prompts the user for a decimal number and displays its equivalent in binary form. It should repeat until the user enters the word "end." You must not use "str", but successive divisions.

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# Repeat until the user enters the word 'end'
while True:
    # Prompt the user for a decimal number or 'end' to stop
    number = input("Enter a decimal number (or 'end' to stop): ")

    # If the user enters 'end', break the loop
    if number.lower() == 'end':

    # Convert the input to an integer
    number = int(number)

    # Initialize the binary representation as an empty string
    binary = ""

    # Use successive divisions to convert to binary
    while number > 0:
        binary = str(number % 2) + binary  # Add remainder (0 or 1) to binary string
        number = number // 2  # Divide by 2 and discard the remainder

    # If the binary string is empty (input was 0), set binary to '0'
    if binary == "":
        binary = "0"

    # Display the binary equivalent
    print(f"Binary: {binary}")


Enter a decimal number (or 'end' to stop): 10
Binary: 1010

Enter a decimal number (or 'end' to stop): 255
Binary: 11111111

Enter a decimal number (or 'end' to stop): 5
Binary: 101

Enter a decimal number (or 'end' to stop): end

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