Data Analysis - Python Programming Exercise

This Python program calculates various basic statistical operations such as sum, average, minimum, and maximum based on user input. The program prompts the user to enter a number and then updates the total sum, count, and recalculates the average, minimum, and maximum values. For example, when the user enters a number, the program updates and displays the running total, the count of numbers entered so far, the current average, and the minimum and maximum values. This exercise is ideal for practicing the use of loops, conditional statements, and basic arithmetic operations in Python. The program continues to prompt the user for numbers until the user enters 0, at which point it displays a summary of the statistics and terminates. By using a while loop, the program can repeatedly ask for input until the user decides to stop by entering 0. The program handles edge cases like the first input and updates the statistics accordingly. This is a practical example of how to manage and calculate basic statistics in Python while utilizing user input for dynamic results and conditional checks to control the flow of the program.


Mastering Flow Control


Data Analysis


Develop a Python program to calculate various basic statistical operations: it will accept numbers from the user and display their sum, average, minimum, and maximum, as in the following example:

Number? 5
Total=5 Count=1 Average=5 Max=5 Min=5

Number? 2
Total=7 Count=2 Average=3.5 Max=5 Min=2

Number? 0

(As seen in this example, the program will end when the user enters 0)

 Example Python Exercise

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# Initialize variables to store the sum, count, minimum, and maximum
total = 0
count = 0
minimum = None
maximum = None

# Use a while loop to prompt the user for numbers until 0 is entered
while True:
    num = float(input("Number? "))
    # Check if the entered number is 0
    if num == 0:
    # Update the total sum and count
    total += num
    count += 1
    # Update the minimum and maximum values
    if minimum is None or num < minimum:
        minimum = num
    if maximum is None or num > maximum:
        maximum = num
    # Calculate the average
    average = total / count
    # Display the current statistics
    print(f"Total={total} Count={count} Average={average} Max={maximum} Min={minimum}")


Number? 5
Total=5 Count=1 Average=5.0 Max=5.0 Min=5.0

Number? 2
Total=7 Count=2 Average=3.5 Max=5.0 Min=2.0

Number? 0

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