Insect Data Persistence - Python Programming Exercise

In this exercise, you will develop a Python program to create a new version of the "insects" exercise, which should persist the data using some form of storage, such as a database or file system. This exercise is perfect for practicing file handling, data storage, and database management in Python. By implementing this program, you will gain hands-on experience in handling file operations, data storage, and database management in Python. This exercise not only reinforces your understanding of file handling but also helps you develop efficient coding practices for managing user interactions.


Object Persistence Techniques


Insect Data Persistence


Develop a Python program to create a new version of the "insects" exercise, which should persist the data using some form of storage, such as a database or file system.

 Example Python Exercise

 Copy Python Code
import pickle

class Insect:
    """Represents an insect with a name and number of legs."""

    def __init__(self, name, legs):
        """Initialize the insect with a name and number of legs.""" = name
        self.legs = legs

    def show_data(self):
        """Display the insect's data."""
        print(f"Name: {}, Legs: {self.legs}")

class InsectManager:
    """Manages a collection of insects and handles persistence."""

    def __init__(self, filename):
        """Initialize the manager with a file for persistence."""
        self.filename = filename
        self.insects = []

    def add_insect(self, insect):
        """Add a new insect to the collection."""

    def show_all_insects(self):
        """Display all insects in the collection."""
        if not self.insects:
            print("No insects available.")
            for i, insect in enumerate(self.insects, start=1):
                print(f"Insect {i}:")

    def save_to_file(self):
        """Persist the collection of insects to a file."""
            with open(self.filename, 'wb') as file:
                pickle.dump(self.insects, file)
            print(f"Data successfully saved to {self.filename}.")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error while saving data: {e}")

    def load_from_file(self):
        """Load the collection of insects from a file."""
            with open(self.filename, 'rb') as file:
                self.insects = pickle.load(file)
            print(f"Data successfully loaded from {self.filename}.")
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print(f"No data file found. Starting with an empty collection.")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error while loading data: {e}")

# Test Program
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # File to persist insect data
    data_file = "insects_data.bin"

    # Create an instance of the InsectManager
    manager = InsectManager(data_file)

    # Load existing data from the file
    print("Loading data from file...")

    # Add new insects
    print("\nAdding new insects...")
    manager.add_insect(Insect("Ant", 6))
    manager.add_insect(Insect("Spider", 8))
    manager.add_insect(Insect("Centipede", 100))

    # Display all insects
    print("\nCurrent insects in collection:")

    # Save data to the file
    print("\nSaving data to file...")

    # Clear the current collection
    print("\nClearing current collection...")
    manager.insects = []

    # Display after clearing
    print("\nInsects after clearing:")

    # Reload data from the file
    print("\nReloading data from file...")

    # Display reloaded data
    print("\nInsects after reloading:")


Saving data to file...

Clearing current collection...

Insects after clearing:
No insects available.

Reloading data from file...

Insects after reloading:
Insect 1:
Name: Ant, Legs: 6
Insect 2:
Name: Spider, Legs: 8
Insect 3:
Name: Centipede, Legs: 100

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