Table + Coffetable + Array - C# Programming Exercise

In this exercise, you need to create a project named "Tables2", based on the "Tables" project. In this new project, you should create a class called "CoffeeTable" that inherits from the "Table" class. The "ShowData" method of the "CoffeeTable" class, in addition to displaying the width and height, must also display "(Coffee table)".

Then, create an array that contains 5 tables and 5 coffee tables. The tables should have random sizes between 50 and 200 cm, while the coffee tables should have sizes between 40 and 120 cm. Finally, display all their data.


OOP More On Classes


Table + Coffetable + Array


Create a project named "Tables2", based on the "Tables" project.

In it, create a class "CoffeeTable" that inherits from "Table". Its method "ShowData", besides writing the width and height, must display "(Coffee table)."

Create an array that contains 5 tables and 5 coffee tables. The tables must have random sizes between 50 and 200 cm, and the coffee tables from 40 to 120 cm. Show all their data.

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// Import the System namespace for basic functionality
using System;

public class TableAndCoffeeTableDemo
    // Define the Table class
    public class Table
        // Private attributes to store the width and height of the table
        private int width;
        private int height;

        // Constructor to initialize the width and height of the table
        public Table(int tableWidth, int tableHeight)
            width = tableWidth;
            height = tableHeight;

        // Getter method to retrieve the width of the table
        public int GetWidth()
            return width;

        // Setter method to set the width of the table
        public void SetWidth(int tableWidth)
            width = tableWidth;

        // Getter method to retrieve the height of the table
        public int GetHeight()
            return height;

        // Setter method to set the height of the table
        public void SetHeight(int tableHeight)
            height = tableHeight;

        // Method to show data about the table
        public void ShowData()
            // Display the width and height of the table
            Console.WriteLine($"Table - Width: {width} cm, Height: {height} cm");

    // Define the CoffeeTable class, which inherits from Table
    public class CoffeeTable : Table
        // Constructor for CoffeeTable that initializes width and height via the base constructor
        public CoffeeTable(int tableWidth, int tableHeight) : base(tableWidth, tableHeight) { }

        // Override the ShowData method to display additional information for CoffeeTable
        public new void ShowData()
            // Display the width and height of the coffee table and specify it's a coffee table
            Console.WriteLine($"Coffee Table - Width: {GetWidth()} cm, Height: {GetHeight()} cm (Coffee table)");

    // Define the Main method to test the program
    public static void Main()
        // Create an array that contains 5 tables and 5 coffee tables
        Table[] allTables = new Table[10];  // Array to hold both types of tables

        // Generate 5 random tables with sizes between 50 and 200 cm
        Random random = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            int width = random.Next(50, 201);  // Random width between 50 and 200
            int height = random.Next(50, 201); // Random height between 50 and 200
            allTables[i] = new Table(width, height);

        // Generate 5 random coffee tables with sizes between 40 and 120 cm
        for (int i = 5; i < 10; i++)
            int width = random.Next(40, 121);  // Random width between 40 and 120
            int height = random.Next(40, 121); // Random height between 40 and 120
            allTables[i] = new CoffeeTable(width, height);

        // Show data for all tables
        foreach (var table in allTables)

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