Struct - C# Programming Exercise

In this C# exercise, you are asked to create a struct to store data of 2D points. The fields for each point will be:
- x coordinate (short)
- y coordinate (short)
- Red (red color, byte)
- Green (green color, byte)
- Blue (blue color, byte)

Then, you need to write a C# program that creates two "points", asks the user to enter their data, and then displays the content of both points. This exercise will help you work with structs in C# and with data types like short and byte. It will also allow you to practice how to store and display complex information in a program, working with both basic and structured data types.


Arrays, Structures and Strings




Write a C# Struct to store data of 2D points. The fields for each point will be:

x coordinate (short)
y coordinate (short)
r (red colour, byte)
g (green colour, byte)
b (blue colour, byte)

Write a C# program which creates two "points", asks the user for their data, and then displays their content.

 Write Your C# Exercise

using System;  // Import the System namespace for basic functionality

// Define the Point struct to store 2D point data and RGB color information
struct Point
    public short x;  // X-coordinate of the point (short type)
    public short y;  // Y-coordinate of the point (short type)
    public byte r;  // Red color component (byte type)
    public byte g;  // Green color component (byte type)
    public byte b;  // Blue color component (byte type)

class Program  // Define the main class
    static void Main()  // The entry point of the program
        // Create two instances of the Point struct
        Point point1, point2;

        // Ask the user for the data of the first point
        Console.WriteLine("Enter data for Point 1:");

        Console.Write("Enter X coordinate: ");
        point1.x = short.Parse(Console.ReadLine());  // Get the X coordinate for point1

        Console.Write("Enter Y coordinate: ");
        point1.y = short.Parse(Console.ReadLine());  // Get the Y coordinate for point1

        Console.Write("Enter Red color value (0-255): ");
        point1.r = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());  // Get the red color component for point1

        Console.Write("Enter Green color value (0-255): ");
        point1.g = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());  // Get the green color component for point1

        Console.Write("Enter Blue color value (0-255): ");
        point1.b = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());  // Get the blue color component for point1

        // Ask the user for the data of the second point
        Console.WriteLine("\nEnter data for Point 2:");

        Console.Write("Enter X coordinate: ");
        point2.x = short.Parse(Console.ReadLine());  // Get the X coordinate for point2

        Console.Write("Enter Y coordinate: ");
        point2.y = short.Parse(Console.ReadLine());  // Get the Y coordinate for point2

        Console.Write("Enter Red color value (0-255): ");
        point2.r = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());  // Get the red color component for point2

        Console.Write("Enter Green color value (0-255): ");
        point2.g = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());  // Get the green color component for point2

        Console.Write("Enter Blue color value (0-255): ");
        point2.b = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());  // Get the blue color component for point2

        // Display the contents of both points
        Console.WriteLine("\nPoint 1 Data:");
        Console.WriteLine($"X: {point1.x}, Y: {point1.y}, Color: RGB({point1.r}, {point1.g}, {point1.b})");

        Console.WriteLine("\nPoint 2 Data:");
        Console.WriteLine($"X: {point2.x}, Y: {point2.y}, Color: RGB({point2.r}, {point2.g}, {point2.b})");

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