Digits in a number - C# Programming Exercise

This C# exercise aims to teach how to develop a program that calculates the number of digits in a positive integer. The program uses an efficient technique by performing repeated division by 10, which allows counting the number of digits that make up a number. If the user enters a negative number, the program will display a warning message indicating that the number is negative, and automatically proceed to calculate the number of digits for the absolute value of that number. This exercise is crucial for understanding how to handle numbers in programming and how to perform operations such as division and converting negative numbers to positive using the absolute value function. It also teaches how to improve input validation in programs, an essential aspect for preventing errors in real-world applications. Exercises like this are fundamental for reinforcing knowledge of basic arithmetic operations and their implementation in programming languages like C#.


Flow Control


Digits In A Number


Write a C# program to calculate the number of digits in a positive integer (hint: this can be done by repeatedly dividing by 10). If the user enters a negative integer, the program should display a warning message and proceed to calculate the number of digits for the equivalent positive integer.

For example:
Number = 32
2 digits
Number = -4000
(Warning: it is a negative number) 4 digits

 Example C# Exercise

 Copy C# Code
using System; // Importing the System namespace to use Console functionalities

class Program
    // Main method where the program execution begins
    static void Main()
        // Prompt the user to enter a number
        Console.Write("Enter a number: ");
        int number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());  // Reading the number entered by the user

        // Check if the number is negative
        if (number < 0)  // If the number is negative
            Console.WriteLine("(Warning: it is a negative number)");  // Display the warning message
            number = Math.Abs(number);  // Convert the number to positive using the Math.Abs() method

        // Variable to count the digits
        int digits = 0;

        // Calculate the number of digits by repeatedly dividing the number by 10
        while (number > 0)  // Loop continues as long as the number is greater than 0
            number /= 10;  // Divide the number by 10
            digits++;  // Increment the digit count

        // Display the number of digits
        Console.WriteLine(digits + " digits");  // Output the total number of digits


Case 1:
Enter a number: -345
(Warning: it is a negative number)
3 digits

Case 2:
Enter a number: 567
3 digits

Case 3:
Enter a number: -10000
(Warning: it is a negative number)
5 digits

Case 4:
Enter a number: 0
1 digit

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