Hollow Rectangle - C# Programming Exercise

This C# exercise aims to develop a program that prompts the user for a symbol, a width, and a height, then displays a hollow rectangle of the specified dimensions, using the symbol for the outer border. The hollow rectangle has its border made with the symbol and the inner space left empty. This kind of structure is useful for learning how to work with nested loops, which allow controlling both the rows and columns of the rectangle. Additionally, conditional structures are used to identify when to draw the border and when to leave an empty space inside the rectangle. In this exercise, the user will have the chance to practice input and apply the logic needed to create patterns on the console. It is an excellent exercise for learning how to handle control structures like if, as well as using for or while loops.


Flow Control


Hollow Rectangle


Write a C# program that prompts for a symbol, a width, and a height, and displays a hollow rectangle of that width and height, using that symbol for the outer border, as in this example:

Enter a symbol: 4
Enter the desired width: 3
Enter the desired height: 5

4 4
4 4
4 4

 Write Your C# Exercise

using System; // Importing the System namespace to use Console functionalities

class Program
    // Main method where the program execution begins
    static void Main()
        // Prompt the user to enter a symbol
        Console.Write("Enter a symbol: ");
        char symbol = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; // Read a symbol from the user
        Console.WriteLine(); // Move to the next line after symbol input

        // Prompt the user to enter the desired width
        Console.Write("Enter the desired width: ");
        int width = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // Read the width and convert it to integer

        // Prompt the user to enter the desired height
        Console.Write("Enter the desired height: ");
        int height = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // Read the height and convert it to integer

        // Loop through each row
        for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
            // Loop through each column in the current row
            for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                // Check if it's the border (first or last row, or first or last column)
                if (i == 0 || i == height - 1 || j == 0 || j == width - 1)
                    Console.Write(symbol); // Print the symbol for the border
                    Console.Write(" "); // Print space for the inner part of the rectangle
            Console.WriteLine(); // Move to the next line after each row

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