Strings Manipulation - C# Programming Exercise

This Exercise in C# involves creating a program that asks the user for a text string and performs three specific transformations on it. The program must:

1. Replace all lowercase 'a' letters with uppercase 'A', except when they are preceded by a space.
2. Display the initials of each word in the string (the first letter and those following a space).
3. Display the string alternating between uppercase letters at odd positions and lowercase letters at even positions.

The goal of this Exercise is to practice handling text strings and performing transformations in C#, as well as using loops and conditions to make specific changes to a string. Additionally, this Exercise strengthens the understanding of using spaces as delimiters to detect initials and manipulating characters at specific positions.

In this Exercise, the program will display all the strings generated after each transformation, allowing the user to see how the letters are modified throughout the process. This type of exercise is great for enhancing your C# skills and working with conditional logic and string manipulation.


Arrays, Structures and Strings


Strings Manipulation


Write a C# program that asks the user for a string and:

- Replace all lowercase A by uppercase A, except if they are preceded with a space
- Display the initials (first letter and those after a space)
- Display odd letters uppercase and even letter lowercase

The program must display all generated strings.

 Write Your C# Exercise

using System;  // Importing the System namespace to use its functionality

class Program  // Define the main class
    static void Main()  // The entry point of the program
        Console.Write("Enter a string: ");  // Prompt the user to input a string
        string input = Console.ReadLine();  // Read the input from the user

        // Call the methods to manipulate and display the string
        string replacedString = ReplaceLowercaseA(input);
        string initials = GetInitials(input);
        string oddEvenString = OddEvenCase(input);

        // Display all the manipulated strings
        Console.WriteLine($"Replaced String: {replacedString}");  // Display the string with replaced characters
        Console.WriteLine($"Initials: {initials}");  // Display the initials
        Console.WriteLine($"Odd/Even Case: {oddEvenString}");  // Display the odd/even case transformation

    // Method to replace all lowercase 'a' by uppercase 'A', except when preceded by a space
    static string ReplaceLowercaseA(string text)
        char[] chars = text.ToCharArray();  // Convert the string to a character array
        for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
            // Check if the current character is 'a' and not preceded by a space
            if (chars[i] == 'a' && (i == 0 || chars[i - 1] != ' '))
                chars[i] = 'A';  // Replace 'a' with 'A'
        return new string(chars);  // Convert the modified character array back to a string

    // Method to extract the initials (first letter and those after a space)
    static string GetInitials(string text)
        string initials = string.Empty;  // Initialize an empty string for initials

        // Loop through each character of the input text
        for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
            if (i == 0 || text[i - 1] == ' ')  // If it's the first character or follows a space
                initials += text[i];  // Add the character to the initials string
        return initials;  // Return the initials string

    // Method to display odd-index letters in uppercase and even-index letters in lowercase
    static string OddEvenCase(string text)
        char[] chars = text.ToCharArray();  // Convert the string to a character array
        for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
            if (i % 2 == 0)  // Even index (0, 2, 4, ...)
                chars[i] = Char.ToLower(chars[i]);  // Make even-index letters lowercase
            else  // Odd index (1, 3, 5, ...)
                chars[i] = Char.ToUpper(chars[i]);  // Make odd-index letters uppercase
        return new string(chars);  // Convert the modified character array back to a string

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