Binary - C# Programming Exercise

In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a program that prompts the user for a decimal number and displays its equivalent in binary. The program should continue repeating this process until the user enters the word "end". You must not use the ToString method but instead perform successive divisions.

To convert a decimal number to binary, the program should repeatedly divide the number by 2, recording the remainders (which will be 0 or 1) until the number becomes 0. Then, the binary number is constructed by taking the remainders from the divisions in reverse order. This method is essential for understanding how base conversions work without relying on predefined functions.

This exercise will help you practice arithmetic operations, loops, and conditionals in C#. It will also provide you with a deeper understanding of how numbers are represented internally in binary systems, which is crucial in low-level programming such as bit manipulation and memory management.


Basic Data Types




Write a C# program that asks the user for a decimal number and displays its equivalent in binary form. It should be repeated until the user enters the word "end." You must not use "ToString", but succesive divisions.

 Write Your C# Exercise

using System;  // Import the System namespace for basic functionality

class Program  // Define the main class
    static void Main()  // The entry point of the program
        // Infinite loop to keep asking the user for input until they enter "end"
        while (true)
            // Ask the user for a number or the word "end" to quit
            Console.Write("Enter a decimal number (or 'end' to quit): ");
            string input = Console.ReadLine();  // Read the input as a string

            // If the user enters "end", exit the loop and end the program
            if (input.ToLower() == "end")
                break;  // Exit the loop

            // Try to parse the input as an integer
            if (int.TryParse(input, out int number))
                // Start with an empty string for the binary representation
                string binary = "";

                // Perform successive divisions by 2 to get the binary digits
                while (number > 0)
                    // Get the remainder when dividing by 2 (this will be either 0 or 1)
                    int remainder = number % 2;
                    binary = remainder + binary;  // Add the remainder to the binary string
                    number = number / 2;  // Divide the number by 2

                // If the number is 0, the binary representation should be "0"
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(binary))
                    binary = "0";

                // Display the binary result
                Console.WriteLine($"Binary: {binary}\n");
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid number.\n");

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