Vowel - If - C# Programming Exercise

In this C# exercise, you are asked to write a program that prompts the user for a symbol and determines if it is a vowel (in lowercase), a digit, or any other symbol, using the if statement. The program should evaluate the user's input and provide an appropriate response based on the category to which the symbol belongs. Using the if statement will allow you to make decisions based on the defined conditions, which is fundamental to programming logic.

This exercise is excellent for learning to work with conditionals in C#, enabling you to make decisions within your program based on the type of data entered. It is also useful for familiarizing yourself with character manipulation, such as checking if the symbol is a vowel, a digit, or a special character.

The if statement is one of the most important structures in programming because it allows programs to make decisions based on user input, and this exercise is a great way to practice using it.


Basic Data Types


Vowel - If


Write a C# program to ask the user for a symbol and respond if it's a vowel (in lowercase), a digit, or any other symbol, using "if".

 Write Your C# Exercise

using System;  // Import the System namespace to use basic classes like Console

class Program  // Define the main class of the program
    static void Main()  // The entry point of the program
        // Ask the user to enter a symbol
        Console.Write("Enter a symbol: ");  // Display prompt for symbol input
        char symbol = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;  // Read a single character input from the user

        // Move to the next line after the symbol input

        // Check if the symbol is a vowel
        if (symbol == 'a' || symbol == 'e' || symbol == 'i' || symbol == 'o' || symbol == 'u')  // If the symbol is a vowel
            Console.WriteLine("It is a vowel.");  // Display message for vowel
        // Check if the symbol is a digit
        else if (symbol >= '0' && symbol <= '9')  // If the symbol is a digit (from '0' to '9')
            Console.WriteLine("It is a digit.");  // Display message for digit
        else  // If the symbol is neither a vowel nor a digit
            Console.WriteLine("It is another symbol.");  // Display message for other symbols

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