Number Repeated - C# Programming Exercise

This exercise teaches you how to display a number repeated a number of times specified by the user. Three loop structures will be used to perform the repetition: while, do-while, and for. The user will enter a number and a quantity, and the program will display the number repeated as many times as the specified quantity. This is a great way to practice using loops in C#, a fundamental concept in programming.


Flow Control


Number Repeated


Write a C# program that asks the user for a number and a quantity, and displays that number repeated as many times as the user has specified. Here's an example:

Enter a number: 4
Enter a quantity: 5


You must display it three times: first using "while", then "do-while" and finally "for".

 Write Your C# Exercise

using System; // Importing the System namespace to use Console functionalities

class Program
    // Main method where the program execution begins
    static void Main()
        // Asking the user to enter a number
        Console.Write("Enter a number: ");
        int number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // Reading the number entered by the user

        // Asking the user to enter the quantity of repetitions
        Console.Write("Enter a quantity: ");
        int quantity = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // Reading the quantity entered by the user

        // First: Using a "while" loop to display the number the specified quantity of times
        Console.WriteLine("Using while loop:");
        int count = 0; // Initializing a counter variable
        while (count < quantity) // Loop continues as long as count is less than the quantity
            Console.Write(number); // Displaying the number
            count++; // Incrementing the counter
        Console.WriteLine(); // Moving to a new line after the repetition

        // Second: Using a "do-while" loop to display the number the specified quantity of times
        Console.WriteLine("Using do-while loop:");
        count = 0; // Re-initializing the counter variable
            Console.Write(number); // Displaying the number
            count++; // Incrementing the counter
        } while (count < quantity); // Loop continues as long as count is less than the quantity
        Console.WriteLine(); // Moving to a new line after the repetition

        // Third: Using a "for" loop to display the number the specified quantity of times
        Console.WriteLine("Using for loop:");
        for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) // Looping from 0 to quantity-1
            Console.Write(number); // Displaying the number
        Console.WriteLine(); // Moving to a new line after the repetition

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