CSV Converter - C# Programming Exercise

This exercise involves creating a program that reads a CSV file with four data blocks (three text fields and one numeric) separated by commas, and generates a text file where each entry is organized into separate lines. The input CSV file contains data of individuals, and the program needs to process this data and reformat it into the requested format. This exercise helps in understanding how to handle CSV files and how to process and organize data into a text file. The use of commas as delimiters is key in processing data in CSV format, and this exercise reinforces the understanding of this data exchange format between systems.


File Management


CSV Converter


The CSV ("Comma Separated Values") is an exchange format used by many spreadsheet and database management systems. It consists of a series of comma-separated values enclosed in quotation marks, although there are variants that do not use quotes or use semicolons as separators. Often, the values are not enclosed in quotes. An example file would be:

"John", "López Pérez," "Alicante", 25
"Antonio", "Pérez López", "Madrid", 27

You should create a program that reads a CSV file as shown above, with four data blocks (the first three are text and the last one is numeric), each of which is on a separate line. The program should generate a text file where each entry contains a line like this:

Pérez López
Pérez López

 Write Your C# Exercise

// Import necessary namespaces for file handling
using System; // Basic input/output operations
using System.IO; // FileStream and StreamReader for reading and writing files
using System.Text; // StringBuilder for efficient string handling

class CSVConverter // Main class for the CSV conversion program
    static void Main(string[] args) // Entry point of the program
        // Check if the correct number of arguments (input and output files) are provided
        if (args.Length != 2) // If not enough arguments are provided
            Console.WriteLine("Usage: CSVConverter  "); // Show usage instructions
            return; // Exit the program if the arguments are incorrect

        string inputFile = args[0]; // The input CSV file name
        string outputFile = args[1]; // The output text file name

        // Check if the input CSV file exists
        if (!File.Exists(inputFile)) // If the input file does not exist
            Console.WriteLine("Error: The input CSV file does not exist."); // Inform the user about the missing file
            return; // Exit the program if the input file is missing

            // Open the input CSV file for reading
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(inputFile)) // StreamReader to read the CSV file
                // Create the output text file for writing
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outputFile, false, Encoding.UTF8)) // StreamWriter to write the text file
                    string line; // Variable to store each line from the CSV file

                    // Read the CSV file line by line
                    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) // Continue until the end of the file
                        // Remove leading and trailing spaces from each line
                        line = line.Trim();

                        // Split the line by comma and remove any surrounding quotes
                        string[] parts = line.Split(','); // Split the line into parts based on commas

                        // Clean up quotes around each part
                        for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
                            parts[i] = parts[i].Trim('"'); // Remove quotes from each part

                        // Write each part to the output file on a separate line
                        foreach (string part in parts) // Loop through each part of the line
                            writer.WriteLine(part); // Write each part to a new line in the output file

            Console.WriteLine("CSV file has been successfully converted to text format."); // Inform the user that the conversion is complete
        catch (Exception ex) // Catch any exceptions that occur during the file reading or writing process
            Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}"); // Display the error message

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