Estructuras Jerárquicas
Desarrolla un programa Python para almacenar dos datos de una persona:
- Nombre
- Fecha de nacimiento
La fecha de nacimiento debe ser otra NamedTuple que conste de día, mes y año.
Por último, crea una matriz de personas, solicita al usuario los datos de dos personas y muéstralos.
Ejemplo de ejercicio de Python
Mostrar código Python
from collections import namedtuple
# Define the NamedTuple for Date of Birth
DateOfBirth = namedtuple('DateOfBirth', ['day', 'month', 'year'])
# Define the NamedTuple for Person
Person = namedtuple('Person', ['name', 'date_of_birth'])
# Create an array to store persons
persons = []
# Get data for the first person
name1 = input("Enter the name of the first person: ")
day1 = int(input("Enter the day of birth for the first person: "))
month1 = int(input("Enter the month of birth for the first person: "))
year1 = int(input("Enter the year of birth for the first person: "))
dob1 = DateOfBirth(day1, month1, year1)
person1 = Person(name1, dob1)
# Get data for the second person
name2 = input("Enter the name of the second person: ")
day2 = int(input("Enter the day of birth for the second person: "))
month2 = int(input("Enter the month of birth for the second person: "))
year2 = int(input("Enter the year of birth for the second person: "))
dob2 = DateOfBirth(day2, month2, year2)
person2 = Person(name2, dob2)
# Display the data of both persons
for i, person in enumerate(persons, 1):
print(f"Person {i}:")
print(f" Name: {person.name}")
print(f" Date of Birth: {person.date_of_birth.day}/{person.date_of_birth.month}/{person.date_of_birth.year}")
Enter the name of the first person: John
Enter the day of birth for the first person: 15
Enter the month of birth for the first person: 5
Enter the year of birth for the first person: 1990
Enter the name of the second person: Alice
Enter the day of birth for the second person: 25
Enter the month of birth for the second person: 12
Enter the year of birth for the second person: 1985
Person 1:
Name: John
Date of Birth: 15/5/1990
Person 2:
Name: Alice
Date of Birth: 25/12/1985
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