Texttohtml Con Integración De Archivos
Desarrolle un programa Python para mejorar la clase TextToHTML agregando la capacidad de guardar sus resultados en un archivo de texto. Incluya un método llamado save_to_file, que tomará el nombre del archivo como argumento y escribirá en él el contenido HTML generado.
Sugerencia: use un mecanismo de escritura de archivos como open() con el modo establecido en "w" para manejar las operaciones de archivo.
Ejemplo de ejercicio de Python
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class TextToHTML:
A class to convert multiple sentences into HTML format.
Includes methods to add sentences, display them, and convert them into HTML.
def __init__(self):
# Initialize an array to store the sentences
self.sentences = []
def add(self, text):
Adds a new string to the list of sentences.
def display(self):
Displays all sentences in HTML format.
for sentence in self.sentences:
def to_string(self):
Returns all sentences as a single string in HTML format, separated by new lines.
html_content = ""
for sentence in self.sentences:
html_content += f"{sentence}
return html_content
def save_to_file(self, file_name):
Saves the generated HTML content to a text file.
Writes the sentences as HTML paragraphs.
with open(file_name, 'w') as file:
html_content = self.to_string() # Get the HTML formatted content
file.write(html_content) # Write it to the file
print(f"HTML content successfully saved to {file_name}.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error saving to file: {e}")
# Auxiliary class with a main function to test the TextToHTML class
class Main:
def __init__(self):
self.text_to_html = TextToHTML()
def run(self):
Runs the main program: collects text, displays HTML, and saves to a file.
print("Enter sentences (press Enter without typing anything to finish):")
while True:
sentence = input()
if not sentence: # Stop when the input is empty
self.text_to_html.add(sentence) # Add sentence to the TextToHTML object
print("\nHTML representation of the sentences:")
self.text_to_html.display() # Display the HTML representation of the sentences
# Ask for the file name to save the content
file_name = input("\nEnter the file name to save the HTML content: ")
self.text_to_html.save_to_file(file_name) # Save the HTML to a file
# Run the program
if __name__ == "__main__":
main_program = Main()
Enter sentences (press Enter without typing anything to finish):
How are you?
This is a test.
HTML representation of the sentences:
How are you?
This is a test.
Enter the file name to save the HTML content: output.html
HTML content successfully saved to output.html.
Código de ejemplo copiado
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