using System; // Importing the System namespace for accessing Console, Math, and other functionalities
using System.Collections.Generic; // Importing the Collections.Generic namespace to use Comparer
class Program
// Define the Program struct to store the program details
struct ProgramRecord
public string Name; // The name of the program
public string Category; // The category of the program
public string Description; // A brief description of the program
public (string VersionNumber, byte LaunchMonth, ushort LaunchYear) Version; // The version of the program, including version number, launch month, and launch year
static void Main()
// Create an array to hold up to 1000 program records
ProgramRecord[] programs = new ProgramRecord[1000];
int programCount = 0; // Keeps track of how many programs have been added
while (true) // Infinite loop to keep the menu running until the user chooses to exit
Console.WriteLine("Program Management System"); // Display the system title
Console.WriteLine("1 - Add a new program"); // Option to add a new program
Console.WriteLine("2 - Show all program names"); // Option to show all program names
Console.WriteLine("3 - View details of a program"); // Option to view detailed information of a program
Console.WriteLine("4 - Update a record"); // Option to update an existing program record
Console.WriteLine("5 - Delete a record"); // Option to delete a program record
Console.WriteLine("6 - Sort by program name"); // Option to sort programs alphabetically by name
Console.WriteLine("7 - Fix redundant spaces in names"); // Option to fix redundant spaces in program names
Console.WriteLine("X - Exit"); // Option to exit the program
Console.Write("Enter an option: "); // Prompt the user to select an option
string choice = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the user's choice
switch (choice.ToUpper()) // Convert the choice to uppercase and process it
case "1":
// Adding a new program
if (programCount >= 1000) // Check if the program limit has been reached
Console.WriteLine("Error: Program limit reached."); // Inform the user if the program limit is reached
break; // Exit the case if the limit is reached
// Get program details from the user
string name;
Console.Write("Enter program name: "); // Prompt the user for the program name
name = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the program name from the user input
} while (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)); // Keep asking until the user enters a valid name
string category;
Console.Write("Enter category (max 30 characters): "); // Prompt the user for the program category
category = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the category
} while (category.Length > 30); // Keep asking if the category is longer than 30 characters
Console.Write("Enter description (max 100 characters): "); // Prompt the user for the program description
string description = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the description
if (description.Length > 100) description = description.Substring(0, 100); // Trim the description if it's longer than 100 characters
Console.Write("Enter version number: "); // Prompt for the version number
string versionNumber = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the version number
Console.Write("Enter launch month (1-12): "); // Prompt for the launch month
byte launchMonth = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // Read and parse the launch month
Console.Write("Enter launch year: "); // Prompt for the launch year
ushort launchYear = ushort.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // Read and parse the launch year
// Store the program details in the programs array
programs[programCount] = new ProgramRecord
Name = name,
Category = category,
Description = description,
Version = (versionNumber, launchMonth, launchYear) // Store version details as a tuple
programCount++; // Increment the count of added programs
Console.WriteLine("Program added successfully!"); // Inform the user that the program has been added
case "2":
// Displaying all program names
if (programCount == 0) // Check if there are no programs stored
Console.WriteLine("No programs stored."); // Inform the user that no programs exist
break; // Exit the case if there are no programs
int index = 0; // Initialize the index for program names display
while (index < programCount) // Loop through all programs
for (int i = index; i < Math.Min(index + 20, programCount); i++) // Display 20 programs at a time
Console.WriteLine(programs[i].Name); // Display the program name
if (index + 20 < programCount) // Check if there are more programs to display
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to see the next 20 programs..."); // Prompt the user to see more programs
Console.ReadLine(); // Wait for the user to press Enter
index += 20; // Move the index to the next 20 programs
case "3":
// Viewing program details
Console.Write("Enter part of the name, category, or description to search: "); // Prompt the user to search
string searchQuery = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); // Read and convert the search query to lowercase
bool found = false; // Flag to check if any program matches the search query
for (int i = 0; i < programCount; i++) // Loop through the programs
// Check if any part of the program matches the search query
if (programs[i].Name.ToLower().Contains(searchQuery) ||
programs[i].Category.ToLower().Contains(searchQuery) ||
// Display the program details if a match is found
Console.WriteLine($"Program {i + 1}:");
Console.WriteLine($" Name: {programs[i].Name}");
Console.WriteLine($" Category: {programs[i].Category}");
Console.WriteLine($" Description: {programs[i].Description}");
Console.WriteLine($" Version: {programs[i].Version.VersionNumber}, {programs[i].Version.LaunchMonth}/{programs[i].Version.LaunchYear}");
found = true; // Set the flag to true if a match is found
if (!found) // If no match was found, inform the user
Console.WriteLine("No matching program found.");
case "4":
// Updating a program record
Console.Write("Enter the program name to update: "); // Prompt the user for the program name to update
string nameToUpdate = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the name of the program to update
bool updated = false; // Flag to check if the program was updated
for (int i = 0; i < programCount; i++) // Loop through the programs
if (programs[i].Name.Equals(nameToUpdate, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // Check if the program name matches
// Get new program details from the user
Console.Write("Enter new program name: ");
programs[i].Name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Enter new category: ");
programs[i].Category = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Enter new description: ");
programs[i].Description = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Enter new version number: ");
programs[i].Version = (Console.ReadLine(), byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine()), ushort.Parse(Console.ReadLine()));
updated = true; // Set flag to true if the program was updated
Console.WriteLine("Program updated successfully!");
if (!updated) // If the program was not found, inform the user
Console.WriteLine("Program not found.");
case "5":
// Deleting a program record
Console.Write("Enter the program name to delete: "); // Prompt the user for the program name to delete
string nameToDelete = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the name of the program to delete
bool deleted = false; // Flag to check if the program was deleted
for (int i = 0; i < programCount; i++) // Loop through the programs
if (programs[i].Name.Equals(nameToDelete, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // Check if the program name matches
// Shift all subsequent programs one position to the left
for (int j = i; j < programCount - 1; j++)
programs[j] = programs[j + 1];
programCount--; // Decrease the program count
deleted = true; // Set the flag to true if the program was deleted
Console.WriteLine("Program deleted successfully!");
if (!deleted) // If the program was not found, inform the user
Console.WriteLine("Program not found.");
case "6":
// Sorting programs by name
Array.Sort(programs, 0, programCount, Comparer.Create((x, y) => x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name))); // Sort the programs by name
Console.WriteLine("Programs sorted by name.");
case "7":
// Fixing redundant spaces in program names
for (int i = 0; i < programCount; i++) // Loop through the programs
programs[i].Name = programs[i].Name.Trim(); // Remove leading and trailing spaces
programs[i].Name = string.Join(" ", programs[i].Name.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); // Remove extra spaces between words
Console.WriteLine("Redundant spaces removed.");
case "X":
return; // Exit the program when the user enters 'X'
Console.WriteLine("Invalid option, try again."); // Inform the user if an invalid option is selected
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to return to the menu..."); // Prompt the user to press Enter to go back to the menu
Console.ReadLine(); // Wait for the user to press Enter
Program Management System
1 - Add a new program
2 - Show all program names
3 - View details of a program
4 - Update a record
5 - Delete a record
6 - Sort by program name
7 - Fix redundant spaces in names
X - Exit
Enter an option: 1
Enter program name: Cloud
Enter category (max 30 characters): IT
Enter description (max 100 characters): Files Cloud
Enter version number: 1
Enter launch month (1-12): 1
Enter launch year: 1999
Program added successfully!
Press Enter to return to the menu...
Program Management System
1 - Add a new program
2 - Show all program names
3 - View details of a program
4 - Update a record
5 - Delete a record
6 - Sort by program name
7 - Fix redundant spaces in names
X - Exit
Enter an option: 2
Press Enter to return to the menu...
Program Management System
1 - Add a new program
2 - Show all program names
3 - View details of a program
4 - Update a record
5 - Delete a record
6 - Sort by program name
7 - Fix redundant spaces in names
X - Exit
Enter an option: [ConsoleInputLine_10]
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