Estadísticas V2
Crear un programa en C# estadístico que permita al usuario:
- Añadir nuevos datos
- Ver todos los datos introducidos
- Buscar un artículo, para ver si se ha introducido o no
- Ver un resumen de estadísticas: cantidad de datos, suma, promedio, máximo, mínimo
- Salir del programa
Estas opciones deben aparecer como un menú. Cada opción será elegida por un número o una letra.
El programa debe reservar espacio para un máximo de 1000 datos, pero llevar un recuento de cuántos datos existen realmente.
Ejemplo Ejercicio C#
Mostrar Código C#
using System; // Import the System namespace for basic functionality
class Program // Define the main class
static void Main() // The entry point of the program
double[] data = new double[1000]; // Create an array to store up to 1000 data points
int count = 0; // Variable to keep track of the number of data entries
bool running = true; // Variable to control the program's main loop
// Display the menu to the user
while (running)
Console.Clear(); // Clear the console screen before displaying the menu
Console.WriteLine("Statistics Program");
Console.WriteLine("1. Add new data");
Console.WriteLine("2. See all data entered");
Console.WriteLine("3. Find an item");
Console.WriteLine("4. View statistics summary");
Console.WriteLine("5. Exit");
Console.Write("Please choose an option (1-5): "); // Ask the user to choose an option
string choice = Console.ReadLine(); // Get the user's choice
switch (choice) // Perform an action based on the user's choice
case "1":
// Add new data
if (count < 1000) // Check if there's space for more data
Console.Write("Enter a number to add: "); // Ask the user for a number
while (!double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out data[count]) || data[count] < 0) // Ensure valid input
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number."); // Handle invalid input
Console.Write("Enter a number to add: "); // Prompt again for a valid input
count++; // Increment the count after adding new data
Console.WriteLine("Data added successfully!"); // Inform the user that the data was added
Console.WriteLine("Maximum data limit reached."); // Inform the user if the limit is reached
case "2":
// See all data entered
if (count > 0) // Check if there is any data entered
Console.WriteLine("Entered data:"); // Inform the user that the entered data will be displayed
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) // Loop through the data array
Console.WriteLine(data[i]); // Display each data entry
Console.WriteLine("No data entered yet."); // Inform the user if no data was entered
case "3":
// Find an item
Console.Write("Enter a number to search for: "); // Ask the user for a number to search
double searchValue; // Variable to store the search value
while (!double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out searchValue)) // Ensure valid input
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number."); // Handle invalid input
Console.Write("Enter a number to search for: "); // Prompt again for a valid input
bool found = false; // Variable to track if the number is found
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) // Loop through the data array
if (data[i] == searchValue) // Check if the number is in the data
found = true; // Set found to true if the number is found
break; // Exit the loop once the number is found
if (found) // If the number is found
Console.WriteLine("The number was found in the data."); // Inform the user that the number was found
Console.WriteLine("The number was not found in the data."); // Inform the user that the number was not found
case "4":
// View statistics summary
if (count > 0) // Check if there is any data entered
double sum = 0, max = data[0], min = data[0]; // Initialize variables for sum, max, and min
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) // Loop through the data array
sum += data[i]; // Add the current data point to the sum
if (data[i] > max) // Check if the current data point is greater than the current max
max = data[i]; // Update the max value if necessary
if (data[i] < min) // Check if the current data point is less than the current min
min = data[i]; // Update the min value if necessary
double average = sum / count; // Calculate the average
Console.WriteLine($"Data count: {count}"); // Display the number of data entries
Console.WriteLine($"Sum: {sum}"); // Display the sum of the data
Console.WriteLine($"Average: {average:F2}"); // Display the average with 2 decimal places
Console.WriteLine($"Maximum: {max}"); // Display the maximum value
Console.WriteLine($"Minimum: {min}"); // Display the minimum value
Console.WriteLine("No data entered yet."); // Inform the user if no data was entered
case "5":
// Exit the program
running = false; // Set running to false to exit the loop
Console.WriteLine("Invalid option. Please choose a valid option."); // Handle invalid menu option
Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue..."); // Prompt the user to press a key to continue
Console.ReadKey(); // Wait for the user to press a key before displaying the menu again
1. Add new data
2. See all data entered
3. Find an item
4. View statistics summary
5. Exit
Please choose an option (1-5): 1
Enter a number to add: 1
Data added successfully!
Press any key to continue...
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