Calcula el perímetro, el área y la diagonal de un rectángulo, dado su ancho y su altura.
(Sugerencia: use y = Math.Sqrt(x) para calcular una raíz cuadrada)
Ejemplo Ejercicio C#
Mostrar Código C#
using System; // Import the System namespace to use basic classes like Console and Math
class Program // Define the main class of the program
static void Main() // The entry point of the program
double width, height, perimeter, area, diagonal; // Declare variables for width, height, perimeter, area, and diagonal
// Ask the user for the width of the rectangle
Console.Write("Enter the width of the rectangle: ");
width = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); // Read and convert the input to double
// Ask the user for the height of the rectangle
Console.Write("Enter the height of the rectangle: ");
height = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); // Read and convert the input to double
// Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle
perimeter = 2 * (width + height); // Perimeter formula: P = 2 * (width + height)
// Calculate the area of the rectangle
area = width * height; // Area formula: A = width * height
// Calculate the diagonal of the rectangle using the Pythagorean theorem
diagonal = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(width, 2) + Math.Pow(height, 2)); // Diagonal formula: d = sqrt(width^2 + height^2)
// Display the results
Console.WriteLine($"Perimeter: {perimeter}"); // Display the perimeter
Console.WriteLine($"Area: {area}"); // Display the area
Console.WriteLine($"Diagonal: {diagonal}"); // Display the diagonal
Case 1:
Enter the width of the rectangle: 10
Enter the height of the rectangle: 5
Perimeter: 30
Area: 50
Diagonal: 11.180339887498949
Case 2:
Enter the width of the rectangle: 7
Enter the height of the rectangle: 3
Perimeter: 20
Area: 21
Diagonal: 7.615777322923054
Case 3:
Enter the width of the rectangle: 12
Enter the height of the rectangle: 9
Perimeter: 42
Area: 108
Diagonal: 15.0
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