// Importing necessary namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class SqlToText
// Main method where the program execution begins
static void Main()
// Path to the input SQL file
string inputFilePath = "input.sql";
// Path to the output text file where the result will be saved
string outputFilePath = "output.txt";
// Call the ParseSqlInsert method to process the SQL file and extract the data
ParseSqlInsert(inputFilePath, outputFilePath);
// Method to parse the SQL INSERT statements and extract the data into a text format
static void ParseSqlInsert(string inputFilePath, string outputFilePath)
// Read the entire SQL file
string sqlContent = File.ReadAllText(inputFilePath);
// Regex pattern to match INSERT INTO SQL statements
string insertPattern = @"INSERT INTO\s+`?(\w+)`?\s?\((.*?)\)\s+VALUES\s?\((.*?)\);";
// Match all the INSERT statements in the SQL content
var matches = Regex.Matches(sqlContent, insertPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// List to store the formatted output
List outputLines = new List();
foreach (Match match in matches)
// Get the table name
string tableName = match.Groups[1].Value;
// Get the field names as a comma-separated list
string fieldNames = match.Groups[2].Value;
// Get the values to be inserted
string values = match.Groups[3].Value;
// Split the field names and values by commas
string[] fields = fieldNames.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string[] valuesArray = values.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// Clean up extra spaces or quotes around field names and values
for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
fields[i] = fields[i].Trim().Trim('`').Trim();
valuesArray[i] = valuesArray[i].Trim().Trim('\'', '"').Trim();
// Add the table name to the output
outputLines.Add($"Table: {tableName}\n");
// Add each field and its corresponding value to the output
for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
outputLines.Add($"{fields[i]}: {valuesArray[i]}");
// Add a blank line after each record
// Write the result to the output file
File.WriteAllLines(outputFilePath, outputLines);
Console.WriteLine("SQL has been parsed and saved to the output file.");
catch (Exception ex)
// Catch any errors (e.g., file not found or read/write issues) and display an error message
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
input.sql file: Contains SQL INSERT INTO statements, for example:
INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `name`, `age`) VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 30);
INSERT INTO `products` (`id`, `product_name`, `price`) VALUES (101, 'Laptop', 1200);
INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `user_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`) VALUES (1, 1, 101, 2);
output.txt file: After running the program, the extracted data will be written in a more readable text format. The content of output.txt will be:
Table: users
id: 1
name: John Doe
age: 30
Table: products
id: 101
product_name: Laptop
price: 1200
Table: orders
id: 1
user_id: 1
product_id: 101
quantity: 2
Console Message:
SQL has been parsed and saved to the output file.
Error Handling:
Error: error message
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