Comparador de archivos - Ejercicio de Programacion C# Sharp

Este ejercicio consiste en crear un programa en C# que determine si dos archivos (de cualquier tipo) son idénticos, es decir, si tienen el mismo contenido. El programa debe comparar byte por byte el contenido de ambos archivos y verificar si son iguales. Este ejercicio refuerza el uso de FileStream y la comparación byte-by-byte para realizar comparaciones precisas de archivos, lo cual es fundamental en situaciones donde se necesitan verificar archivos duplicados o verificar la integridad de los datos. Además, permite comprender cómo trabajar con archivos binarios de manera eficiente en C#.


Administración de Archivos


Comparador De Archivos


Cree un programa de C# para saber si dos archivos (de cualquier tipo) son idénticos (tienen el mismo contenido).

 Ejemplo Ejercicio C#

 Copiar Código C#
// Import necessary namespaces for file handling
using System; // Basic input/output operations
using System.IO; // FileStream for reading files
using System.Text; // StringBuilder for efficient string handling

class FileComparer // Main class for the file comparison program
    static void Main(string[] args) // Entry point of the program
        // Check if the correct number of arguments (input files) are provided
        if (args.Length != 2) // If not enough arguments are provided
            Console.WriteLine("Usage: FileComparer  "); // Show usage instructions
            return; // Exit the program if the arguments are incorrect

        string file1 = args[0]; // The first file name to compare
        string file2 = args[1]; // The second file name to compare

        // Check if both files exist
        if (!File.Exists(file1)) // If the first file does not exist
            Console.WriteLine($"Error: The file {file1} does not exist."); // Inform the user about the missing file
            return; // Exit the program if the first file is missing

        if (!File.Exists(file2)) // If the second file does not exist
            Console.WriteLine($"Error: The file {file2} does not exist."); // Inform the user about the missing file
            return; // Exit the program if the second file is missing

            // Open both files for reading using FileStream
            using (FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(file1, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) // Open the first file
            using (FileStream fs2 = new FileStream(file2, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) // Open the second file
                // Compare file lengths first
                if (fs1.Length != fs2.Length) // If the file sizes are different
                    Console.WriteLine("The files are different (different sizes)."); // Inform the user about different sizes
                    return; // Exit the program if the sizes don't match

                // Use byte arrays to read the files in chunks
                byte[] buffer1 = new byte[1024]; // Buffer to hold data from the first file
                byte[] buffer2 = new byte[1024]; // Buffer to hold data from the second file

                int bytesRead1, bytesRead2; // Variables to store the number of bytes read from each file

                // Compare the files byte by byte
                while ((bytesRead1 = fs1.Read(buffer1, 0, buffer1.Length)) > 0) // Read from the first file
                    bytesRead2 = fs2.Read(buffer2, 0, buffer2.Length); // Read from the second file

                    // If the number of bytes read is different, the files are different
                    if (bytesRead1 != bytesRead2)
                        Console.WriteLine("The files are different (different lengths in chunks)."); // Inform the user about the discrepancy
                        return; // Exit the program if the chunk sizes don't match

                    // Compare the bytes from both buffers
                    for (int i = 0; i < bytesRead1; i++) // Loop through the bytes read
                        if (buffer1[i] != buffer2[i]) // If a byte doesn't match
                            Console.WriteLine("The files are different (mismatch found)."); // Inform the user about the mismatch
                            return; // Exit the program if any byte doesn't match

                // If all checks pass, the files are identical
                Console.WriteLine("The files are identical."); // Inform the user that the files are the same
        catch (Exception ex) // Catch any exceptions that occur during file reading or comparison
            Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}"); // Display the error message


Run the program on two files:
FileComparer file1.txt file2.txt

If the two files file1.txt and file2.txt are identical, the output will be:
The files are identical.

If the two files are different in size, the output will be:
The files are different (different sizes).

If the files have the same size but differ in content, the output will be:
The files are different (mismatch found).

File Not Found:
Error: The file file1.txt does not exist.

Error Reading Files:
An error occurred: error message

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